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Fairmont State News

Apr 28, 2008

Student Publications Honored

The Fairmont State University and Pierpont & Community Technical College's student newspaper and yearbook were honored in the 2007 Society for Collegiate Journalists competition.

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Apr 21, 2008

Whetstone Evening Planned for May 1

Thirty-five students, faculty, staff, alumni, community writers and artists in a variety of media have contributed to Whetstone 27, the 27th edition of Fairmont State University's art and literary journal produced through the Department of Language & Literature.

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Apr 18, 2008

Students Plan Events for Earth Day

Fairmont State University Student Government, Students Taking Action in Nature's Defense (STAND) and the Global Climate Change Honors Class will observe Earth Day 2008 on Tuesday, April 22, with refreshments, games and information booths on Main Street at the Falcon Center.

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