Read and listen to media announcements. Check the Fairmont State website for official word and full details. Check the main phone number for announcements (304) 367-4000 or 800-641-5678
The Institution will contact the following Media:
Fantasia Broadcasting — WMMN (920 AM)
WTCS (1490 AM)
WRLF 94.3 (FM)
WV Radio Corporation — WKKW (97.9 FM)
WVAQ (101.9 FM)
WAJR (1440 AM)W
V Public Radio — Morgantown 90.9 FM
Clarksburg 107.3 FM
Buckhannon 88.9 FM
Elkins 88.5 FM
WBOY Channel 12
WDTV Channel 5
Newspapers (These newspapers will be notified when the change is known in time to
meet printing deadlines.)
Times West Virginian
Dominion Post
A medical emergency is an injury or illness that is acute and poses an immediate threat
to a person’s life or long term health.
After you have called 911, there are several things you can do until Emergency Responders
arrive. These simple procedures will greatly aid the Emergency Responders and the
patient they will treat.
Notify University Police at (304) 367-4357 immediately.
Provide first aid to the best of your ability (if trained).
Use universal precautions to prevent your exposure to bodily fluids.
Refrain from moving the patient unless it is absolutely necessary for safety reasons.
If you determine that the patient has no pulse and is not breathing, begin cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR), but only if you have been trained in this life saving technique.
Stay calm. Then reassure the patient that help is on the way.
Make the patient as comfortable as possible.
If possible, identify any medication the patient is prescribed.
If not able to assist medically, keep clear of the area for emergency personnel.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
AED Stationary Locations:
Alumni Center
Bryant Place
Morrow Hall
Prichard hall
Pence Hall
University Terrace-- Main Hall, west building
Student Health - Nurses Station (3rd floor of Falcon Center)
Department of Public Safety Office (1st Floor Pence Hall)
A mental health emergency is a situation in which an individual is experiencing mental,
emotional and/or psychological disturbances and stress that may result in a threat
or harm to her/himself and/or others.
Determine if the student is a danger to themself or others, or does the student need
immediate assistance for any reason.
The students’ conduct is clearly reckless, disorderly, dangerous, or threatening.
This includes self-harm or brandishing a weapon.
After speaking with university police or 911, report concern by filling out the CARE Form
The student shows signs of distress, but I am not sure how serious this is. After
interacting with the student, I feel uneasy and/or concerned about the situation.
During office hours, stay with the student and walk them to Student Health if they
are willing.
If it is after-hours or the student is unwilling to go to Student Health, fill out
a CARE Form. Students can contact ProtoCALL after hours by calling (304) 367-4155
I am not concerned for the student's immediate safety, but they are having significant
academic and/or personal issues and could use support.
Fill out a CARE Form which will be triaged by a member of Student Health.
Direct student to Student Health to set up counseling. Students can call the office
after hours (304-367-4155) to be connected to ProtoCALL, our after-hours crisis line.
QUESTIONS? Contact: Student Health 3rd Floor, Falcon Center | (304) 367-4155
Menacing behavior is expressing or showing an intention to inflict injury or damage
upon someone or something.
Call University Police at (304) 367-4357.
Have someone else call if you are unable to do so.
Provide the address, location, and all possible details to the dispatcher.
De-escalate the situation if possible; if not possible, get to a safe place.
Do not provoke or become involved in the disruptive behavior.
Do not argue, yell, or joke with the individual.
Limit eye contact with the individual.
Stay out of arm’s reach of the individual.
Do not touch the person.
If the disturbance is outside, stay away from doors and windows. Remain inside.
Do not allow menacing behavior to go unreported. Alert the University Police Department.
Refer to the Shooting Incident section of this Crisis Management guide if the individual
begins using a weapon or gunshots are fired.
This type of incident is unpredictable, and your immediate response depends on the
situation you encounter.
If it is possible to do so SAFELY, exit the building immediately, moving away from
the immediate path of danger, and take the following steps:
Call 911 or (304) 367-4357 if you can.
Evacuate to a safe area away from the danger and take protective cover; notify anyone
you may encounter. Keep hands visible at all times.
If not safe to evacuate, go to the nearest room.
Close and lock the door.
Turn off the lights.
Stay away from doors and windows.
Keep quiet.
Stay there until assistance arrives.
If unable to evacuate or seek a secured location, fight with everything you have in
order to save your life.
Individuals not in harm’s way are to take protective cover, staying away from windows
and doors until notified otherwise.
Call 911, (304) 367-4357 — (Do not use cell phone, electronic devices or any electrical
device that could spark further explosions.)
Remain calm.
Immediately seek cover in safe place or evacuate if safe to do so.
Do not use elevators in case of fire.
If able to get outside, move to a distance of at least 500 feet away from the blast.
Do not return to the area.
Leave the building and move away from it.
If trapped, signal for help.
When a fire alarm sounds, complete evacuation is REQUIRED. Close doors and windows
as you leave if feasible. Walk, do not run, to the nearest stairway exit and proceed
to ground level.
The alarm may not sound continuously. If the alarm stops, continue the evacuation
and warn others who may attempt to enter the building after the alarm stops. Notify
police and/or firefighters on the scene if you suspect someone may be trapped inside
the building.
Call 911 or (304) 367-4357 to report the location and size of fire. Always call from
a safe location.
Alert people in the immediate area of the fire and evacuate.
Confine the fire by closing doors as you leave.
Activate a fire alarm by pulling on an alarm box on your way out of the building.
Evacuate the building. Do not use elevators unless directed to do so by authorized
emergency personnel.
Do not re-enter the building until authorized emergency personnel give the “all clear”
If you notice smoke or fire in your path, use alternative exit routes.
If heat or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with the door closed. Consider
ways to signal for help, including calling 911 or (304) 367-4357, or signaling from
window if possible.
If possible call (304) 367-4357 to advise authorities you are trapped in the building.
Report all fires, even those which have been extinguished, to Campus Police at (304)
If you must use a fire extinguisher:
Pull the safety pin on the grip handle.
Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
Squeeze the handles all the way together.
Sweep the extinguisher from side to side.
Nearest fire extinguisher
Note: There are different types of fire extinguishers for use on different types of
fires. Familiarize yourself with the type and operation of fire extinguishers in your
work area.
Know the building. Take time to familiarize yourself with the layout of the building
such as:
Emergency evacuation for your floor
Locations of all pull stations on your floor
Locations of all fire extinguishers on your floor
Crawl if there is smoke. Cleaner air will be near the floor. If you are caught in
smoke, get down and crawl on your hands and knees.
Go to the nearest exit or stairway. If the nearest exit is blocked by fire, heat,
or smoke, go to another exit. USE AN EXIT STAIRWAY – DO NOT USE ELEVATOR. If the stairway
fire doors are closed, they will keep fire and smoke out and protect you until you
are outside. Close doors behind you to confine fire and smoke.
Stop, drop, and roll. If your clothes are on fire, stop, drop, and roll wherever you
are. Rolling will smother the flames.
Cool down burns. Immediately use cool water on burns. DO NOT use ointments, butter,
or lard. Seek medical attention immediately.
Periodic unannounced fire drills will be conducted as required by West Virginia State
Law. ANY TIME a fire alarm sounds, building occupants must vacate in accordance with
instructions given by the proper authorities. Failure to vacate may result in citation,
fine, or disciplinary action.
No staff member shall silence an alarm until after the proper authorities have secured
the building.
All staff members will comply with requests from University Police and/or other emergency
response. No staff member should enter any area that appears unsafe. Staff priority
is to evacuate the building and instruct and assist others to do the same.
Staff members are required to file an incident report with the proper authorities
by 8:00 a.m. the following day.
No person shall return to the building until directed to by university officials or
the Fire Department.
Call from another location or emergency call box. (DO NOT use a cell phone or other communication device.)
Remain calm.
Do not operate any light or power switches.
If you receive a bomb threat by telephone, remain calm, write down the caller’s exact
words and note the time of the call. Check for caller ID information. Listen for background
noises. Ask the caller:
When is the bomb going to explode?
Where is the bomb?
What does it look like?
What kind of bomb is it?
What will cause it to explode?
Did you place the bomb?
What is your name and address?
If you receive a bomb threat in written form:
Notify University Police at (304) 367-4357 immediately. (DO NOT use radios, pagers or cell phones as they can trigger an explosive device.)
Do a quick visual inspection of your area. Do not touch or move any suspicious objects.
If you are told to evacuate the area by authorized emergency personnel, take your
notes about the call with you.
Follow your unit’s evacuation procedures
Placards or signs are posted outside all rooms containing hazardous materials or equipment.
Detailed safety procedures are in place in all campus laboratories where dangerous
materials are used and stored. If you encounter a chemical spill and no trained individuals
are in the area:
Notify University Police at (304) 367-4357
DO NOT walk into or touch any spilled material.
Avoid inhaling fumes, smoke and vapors, even if no hazardous materials are involved.
ISOLATE the area by sealing it off or closing doors.
Notify people in neighboring offices and classrooms.
Turn off space heaters and extinguish open flames in the area.
EVACUATE the affected area or building and do not re-enter the area until told to
do so by authorized emergency personnel.
Most chemicals are odorless so remember just because you can’t smell it doesn’t mean
it’s not harming you.
Minimal radioactive materials are utilized in some campus laboratories. Those that
might be encountered are considered low-level sources of radiation and pose minimal
threat when properly stored and handled. If you encounter what you believe to be radioactive
Notify University Police at (304) 367-4357.
DO NOT touch the material.
ISOLATE the area by sealing it off or closing doors.
Notify people in neighboring offices and classrooms.
Leave your building immediately when an alarm sounds or if you are instructed to do
so by authorized emergency personnel.
Remain calm.
Evacuate in a safe and orderly manner.
Gather personal belongings (medication, keys, purses, etc.), but only if safe to do
DO NOT use elevators unless authorized emergency personnel tell you to do so.
Turn off all electronics, including computers.
Provide assistance for those with disabilities. Refer to the Evacuation Procedures
for Persons with Disabilities section of this guide.
Go to the identified assembly area which should be at least 300 feet away from the
building unless directed to another location by University Police or properly identified
emergency personnel.
Remain with your class/office so a full accounting can be made.
Notify University Police or emergency personnel of any missing or trapped persons.
Follow all directions from University Police or other authorities present.
Instructors and supervisors should be proactive and be aware of people who will need
Clearly announce the type of emergency.
Offer your arm for guidance.
Tell the person where you are going, and alert him/her to obstacles along the way.
Keep them informed of what is happening.
Turn lights on and off to gain the person’s attention.
Indicate directions with gestures or a written note.
Elevators should not be used to move people with disabilities.
Seek volunteers to assist students/personnel with physical disabilities to the nearest
enclosed stairway or designated areas for rescue assistance.
One individual should remain with the person(s) if it can be done without unreasonable
personal risk.
Others should advise emergency personnel of the location so that the evacuation can
be completed.
If an imminent danger situation exists and the person requests assistance in evacuation
before emergency personnel can arrive, assist in finding volunteers to evacuate the
person per his/her instructions.
If you are physically challenged, you should:
Be educated about fire safety.
Plan ahead for emergency situations.
Be aware of your capabilities and limitations.
Notify proper authorities of your conditions so aid may be given in case of a fire.
In case of a fire, look for places of refuge, like stair enclosures or behind fire
FIRES. It may be better to stay in your room.
Visually impaired should take the hand of another person to assist with exiting the
Persons confined to a wheelchair or crutches should not attempt to evacuate the building
using these devices unless they have ramped or level access to a designated exit.
If access to one of these exits is unavailable, proceed to the nearest fire exit and
wait for emergency personnel assistance.
If you are required to leave the building immediately, but are unable to (because
of physical disability, injury or obstruction):
Go to the nearest area of safe refuge.
Notify University Police at (304) 367-4357.
Signal out the window to emergency responders if possible.
Remain calm.
My identified safe refuge area is:
No staff member shall silence an alarm until after the property authorities have secured
the building.
All staff members will comply with requests from University Police and/or other emergency
response. No staff member should enter any area that appears unsafe. Staff priority
is to evacuate the building and instruct and assist others to do the same.
Staff members are required to file an incident with the proper authorities by 8:00
a.m. the following day.
If you see or are holding a suspicious package/object:
DO NOT use a cell phone as it can trigger an explosive device.
Do not physically touch the object.
Move away from suspicious items.
Leave the immediate area.
Call (304) 367-4357 or (304) 367-4157 from a landline or emergency call box.
Evacuate others from the immediate area.
Gently set the item down on a solid surface or on the floor. If there is powder or
liquid, try to set item down in a container, for example a trash can or bucket.
Follow police instructions.
In the event of a major utility failure, call the Physical Plant at (304) 367-4110
if between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. At all other times, or if
unable to reach Physical Plant, contact University Police at (304) 367-4357.
Remain calm; move cautiously to a lighted area.
Turn off and unplug computers and other voltage-sensitive equipment.
Provide assistance to others if necessary.
Evacuate the building if the fire alarm sounds or upon notification by authorized
emergency personnel.
In laboratory buildings. Fume hoods do not operate during power outage and most laboratories
should not be used until the ventilation is properly restored.
Cease all operations immediately.
Do not use cell phones or other electronic equipment.
Do not switch lights on or off.
Evacuate as soon as possible.
Cease using all electrical equipment.
Avoid contact with the water.
Evacuate the building.
Facilities is equipped with a weather alert station which is on at all times.
Report any injury/damage to the University Police dispatcher at (304) 367-4357 or
911. Provide as much information as possible to respond to the emergency.
Conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather. Everyone should closely
monitor the weather station radio or computer as the situation progresses.
Severe weather has actually been observed, and there is an imminent threat. Listen
closely to instructions provided by weather radios/emergency officials.
Frequently have high winds, cloud to ground lightening, heavy rain, and can produce
STAY AWAY from windows and draw shades or blinds to reduce injury from flying glass.
Minimize use of electric appliances.
Monitor media announcements.
For official information and full details check the web site.
The Robert C. Byrd National Aerospace Education Center follows the same closings/delay
schedule as the main campus.
In the event of a 2-hour delay, classes scheduled before 10:00 a.m. will be canceled.
All classes starting at 10:00 a.m. or later will operate on their normal schedule.
Staff members are to report as close to their normal start times as possible.
Alert system will be activated when there is a TORNADO WARNING, and you should SEEK
SHELTER IMMEDIATELY in designated shelter locations.
Stay away from windows and doors to prevent injury from glass or other flying objects.
DO NOT go outdoors to see the storm.
If you are in a vehicle, seek shelter in a building, ditch, or other safe place. Automobiles
are very dangerous during high winds.
Once the storm has cleared, notify Campus Police at (304) 367-4357 of any damages
or injuries.
Secure vital equipment, records, and chemicals. Shut off all electrical equipment.
Secure all laboratory experiments.
DO NOT return to your building unless you have been instructed to do so by the Campus
Police Department or emergency personnel.
If flood water rises, DO NOT attempt to wade or travel through the water. Even small
amounts of water can be very dangerous.
A lockdown is ordered any time it is unsafe to leave the building. A lockdown will
be ordered by the University Police Department or other designated authority. You
may be notified of a lockdown by various means including public address systems, paging
notification systems, mass e-mails, text messaging, web site, telephone notification
or other means available based on circumstances of the incident.
Remain calm.
Remain in your assigned area so a full accounting can be made of everyone inside of
the building.
Close and lock doors. Stay away from all windows and doors. Turn off all lights and
remain silent. Do not use cell phones except for emergency notification to Campus Police at (304) 367-4357.
Move to a location in the room which is not visible to someone looking through the
door. If gunshots are heard everyone should move to the floor.
Students and staff in hallways or other open areas must proceed immediately to a classroom
or office where they can safely be locked in. If a classroom or office door is locked,
proceed to the next closest available room to take cover.
If you see someone other than emergency personnel attempting to enter the building
notify (304) 367-4357 IMMEDIATELY.
If building becomes unsafe, evacuate only if safe to do so.
During emergencies, campus crisis communications protocol calls for speedy notification
of emergency responders and all members of the campus community. The various communication
resources that can be used in a given situation include:
Fantasia Broadcasting
WMMN (920 AM)
WTCS (1490 AM)
WRLF (94.3 FM)
Froggy Country
102.7 FM
92.7 FM
103.7 FM
WV Radio Corporations
WKKW (97.9 FM)
WVAQ (101.9 FM)
WAJR (1440 AM)
WV Public Radio
Morgantown (90.9 FM)
Clarksburg (107.3 FM)
Buckhannon (88.9 FM)
Elkins (88.5 FM)
WBOY Channel 12
WDTV Channel 5
Newspapers (These newspapers will be notified when the change is known in time to
meet printing deadlines.)
Times West Virginian
Dominion Post
Seek medical attention.
Contact immediate supervisor.
Contact the Campus Safety Coordinator at (304) 367-4290.
Complete the Occupational Injury/Illness Report and submit it to the Campus Safety
Coordinator within 24 hours of injury.
Participate in the Return to Work Program (if necessary).
To report a missing student:
Call University Police at (304) 367-4357.
Provide as much information as possible about student such as: clothing, height, weight,
hair color, automobile, emergency contact, etc.