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Two Events Focus on Fashion Impact
Fairmont State News

Two Events Focus on Fashion

Apr 10, 2008

Next week two groups of Pierpont Community & Technical College students will present fashion-themed events based on popular TV shows.

The Visual Merchandising Class taught by Angie Retton will offer an "Extreme Spring Makeover" event at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 15, in the Turley Center Ballroom on the Fairmont State main campus. As a class assignment, the students were tasked with creating the event. Nine participants have agreed to have a "makeover." Several local businesses will provide hair styling, manicures and clothing for the event. Refreshments will be provided. Admission for students is $3, general admission is $5. Proceeds will benefit the Cooper Joseph Towns Nursing Scholarship. For more information, call Angie Retton at (304) 367-0468.

The Apparel Design class taught by Michelle Walker is having a "Project Runway"-type event featuring a "Once Upon a Time" theme from 5:15-7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 17, in the Turley Center Ballroom. Students have been challenged to create an original fashion design inspired by their favorite childhood book and will compete for the top designer award. The event will be a fashion show with judges to review the fashions and select the winning design. Admission is free with the donation of a children's book. Book donations will go to the children's room at the Union Mission in Fairmont. The event is sponsored by the Fashion Design Club. For more information, call Michelle Walker at (304) 657-7572 or e-mail her at

Fashion Design and Merchandising is an option in the Associate Degree in Applied Design program offered by Pierpont Community & Technical College. The program includes the study of apparel design, historical costume as design inspiration, the business of fashion retailing, visual merchandising and computer design for manufactured apparel. Classroom and studio work are combined with an on-the job work experience in area businesses. The learning experience goes beyond the classroom to include fashion show production and field trips.

At the associate degree level, the Fashion program prepares students to pursue careers in the fashion design business, apparel buying at the retail and wholesale level, as fashion department managers in department stores, fashion boutiques or retail firms, window display merchandizing and independent apparel shop ownership. New graduates with an associate degree can earn a starting salary of $20,000 to $30,000 annually.

For more information on the associate degree program, contact Dr. Beth Newcome, Dean
of the Pierpont C&TC School of Human Services, at (304) 367-4919 or