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Approved Curriculum Proposals 2017-2018 Impact

Approved Curriculum Proposals 2017-2018

17-18-12 Graphic Design Technology Minor Date Approved
Tue, 04/10/2018
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Creating an Graphic Design Technology  Minor (GDT).  The purpose of the GDT Minor is to prepare students from other Major Disciplines with a foundational knowledge of the skills graphic design useful in the visual communication of ideas and information.

17-18-22 Behavioral Sciences Date Approved
Tue, 04/10/2018
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This proposal would add a specialization to both the psychology and sociology degree programs.  This specialization will be called behavioral analytics, which will through the use of computer science training expand on the ability of these students to use advanced data manipulation and analysis.  This will allow them to meet a growing need in the workforce to be able to apply behavioral science knowledge in a data heavy environment.

17-18-23 English BA Writing Track Date Approved
Tue, 04/10/2018
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This proposal establishes a new pathway to the English BA degree.  In addition to the current Literature track, this proposal seeks to establish a Writing Track, divided into the Creative Writing option or the Writing for the Workplace option, allowing students to further hone their creative or professional writing skills by taking more writing classes.

17-18-24 Game Design Minor Date Approved
Tue, 04/10/2018
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This proposal seeks to introduce a new minor in Game Design, with a core collaboration of coursework from the Graphic Design Technology program and the Computer Science program.  This new minor would use several existing courses from each of these programs and include approved Art and Communication courses to provide a solid foundational Game and Interactive Design intstructional curriculum.

This minor would allow interested Computer Science and Graphic Design Technology majors an opportunity to pick a minor in a field that is interesting and intimately tied to their majors.  The minor would also be of interest to students of any other major who wish to explore foundational game design concepts.

17-18-25 Minor in Automation and Robotics Date Approved
Tue, 04/10/2018
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This new minor is being offered for talented students in Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, and Computer Science.  There is a growing need for engineers who can design, implement, and troubleshoot automation systems in manufacturing facilities.  Computer control and monitoring of the manufacturing process will only increase as companies try to deliver higher quality products.  This new minor will create opportunities for our graduates and help to build an educated workforce in WV.  It might also help make this area more attractive to prospective high-tech companies looking to establish themselves in WV.

17-18-26 Computer Science Date Approved
Tue, 04/10/2018
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The intent of this proposal is to redesign COMP 1101 - Applied Technical Programming, redesign COMP 1108 - Principles of Programming II to a 4-hour lab based course, and renumber COMP 1102 - Principles of Programming I.

17-18-05 Political Science and National Security Changes Date Approved
Tue, 03/20/2018
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This proposal adds several new courses, deletes several outdated courses, deletes a minor, aligns
the numbering of courses, and cleans up some administrative issues regarding cross-listing of
courses and proper course titles to more accurately reflect the course substance.

17-18-07 Management Concentration Date Approved
Tue, 03/20/2018
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This proposal consists of restructuring the Management Concentration of the B.S. in Business
Administration degree by altering the required course list and adjusting the list of management electives
with additions and deletions. A very important part of the restructuring is that it will not increase or
decrease the number of required credit hours within the concentration. New courses are being added
which better fit into today’s management environment, including the addition of a new course,
Empowering Leadership BSBA 3330 and the reintroduction of Management 4409, Quantitative
Management previously removed in the 2015 curriculum proposal due to a shortage of faculty.

17-18-13 Criminal Justice CRIM 4413:Inside-Out Date Approved
Tue, 03/20/2018
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This proposal requests that a new course in Criminal Justice, CRIM 4413: Inside-Out: Prison Exchange
Program. This course explores the important issues of crime and justice in the United States. The
course would be held inside a Federal or State Prison in West Virginia; students would come from both
the “inside” and the “outside” of the prison. The classes are held once a week for 15 weeks and address
many criminal justice topics, such as 1) what prisons are for, 2) why people get involved in crime, 3) the
myths and realities of prison life, 4) victims and victimization, and 5) punishment and rehabilitation, to
name just a few.

17-18-14 Civil Engineering AS Date Approved
Tue, 03/20/2018
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Change English course requirements, modify curriculum map, and add pre-requisites.

17-18-15 Civil Engineering BS Date Approved
Tue, 03/20/2018
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Change English course requirements, modify curriculum map, replace general studies course, and add pre-requisites.

17-18-17 Economics Concentration Date Approved
Tue, 03/20/2018
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The intent of this proposal is to request the creation of a new Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
concentration in Economics. The new concentration will include the creation of three required 3 credit hour
courses: ECON 3340: Public Economics, ECON 3310: Intermediate Macroeconomics, and ECON 4410: Game
Theory. Additionally, name changes are proposed to one current courses: BSBA 3350.
This curriculum proposal is being driven by the noted demand from students for a degree in the field. The
proposed program format can be found in Appendix A.

17-18-18 Healthcare Management Date Approved
Tue, 03/20/2018
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The intent of this proposal is to request the creation of a B.S. in Healthcare Management. This curriculum
proposal is being driven by the change of the Allied Health Administration program from the School of Nursing to
the School of Business. The previous program was a 2+2 program, requiring an associate’s degree prior to
admission into the program. The new proposal is for a full B.S. in Healthcare Management, which is being driven
by the industry demands.

17-18-19 Communication Arts Revision Date Approved
Tue, 03/20/2018
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This proposal revises the course rerquirements for the B.A. in Communication Arts.

In this revision, BISM 2800 is removed from the core curriculum.

A new course, COMM 3330: Organizational Communication is created and added to the core curriculum.

Changes are also made in the following communications concentrations: Health, Sports (renamed Sales), Performance, and Public.

A new course, COMM 3310: Health Communication is created and added to the Health Concentration.

This proposal creates a new concentration - Cultural Outreach Communication.

COMM 4420: Contemporary Storytelling is renamed COMM 4420: Documentary Storytelling. The sourse hours and content do not change as a result of this revision.

17-18-08 Behavioral Sciences Date Approved
Tue, 02/13/2018
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We propose making PYSC 3305, Research Methods, interchangeable with SOCY 3360, Methods of Social Research, for
core requirement and prerequisite purposes. In addition, we propose that the course description in the course catalog be
modified to reflect this change. Subsequently, this will increase the hours for this course from 3 to 4 increasing the total
program hours by 1.

17-18-09 Calculus Date Approved
Tue, 02/13/2018
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The changes herein concern the applied Calculus sequence (MATH 1585 and 1586, formerly 1185 and 1186).

-One deleted course: MATH 1586: Applied Calculus 2

-One altered course: MATH 1585: Adjustment of description, outcomes, and changes to scheduling

17-18-10 Math History Date Approved
Tue, 02/13/2018
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1. To meet national accreditation standards, students majoring in mathematics education must demonstrate
proficiency in math history. Currently, a dedicated math history course does not exist; the required
documentation is compiled throughout multiple classes. To streamline the process, a math history course
is added.
2. The name and description of MATH 3550 is being changed from “Probability and Statistics” to
“Probability” to better reflect the course content that has been taught for the past decade.
3. The course description of MATH 3503-Calculus III is slightly adjusted.
4. Biology and geology courses are added as possible science electives for math majors.

17-18-11 Psychology Research Methods Date Approved
Tue, 02/13/2018
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We propose making PYSC 3305, Research Methods, interchangeable with SOCY 3360, Methods of Social
Research, for core requirement and prerequisite purposes. In addition, we propose that the course description in
the course catalog be modified to reflect this change.
We also propose editing prerequisites for the research-track classes in the psychology major such that PSYC
2240 will be the prerequisite for PSYC 3305 which will be the prerequisite for PSYC 3310 which will be the
prerequisite for PSYC 3390.
Finally, we propose renaming courses in the research-track classes to align with current terminology and to
provide greater thematic clarity.

17-18-16 Philosophy Theories of Human Nature Date Approved
Tue, 02/13/2018
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The proposal is to add a course (Theories of Human Nature) to the curriculum. The course has already been
taught online three times as a lower-level special topics course (PHIL 1199). The new course would be
introduced into the catalog as PHIL 1150.

17-18-01 Jazz Improvisation Date Approved
Tue, 01/16/2018
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This proposal is submitted to assign a permanent course number for Jazz Improvisation, a music course now taught under MUSI 1199. The proposed course number is MUSI 2248*. The course is designed to help students develop their extemporaneous creativity in stylistically appropriate ways for various types of jazz. It is open to non-majors, as well as to Music majors. The course is repeatable.

17-18-02 Oral Communication Specialization Date Approved
Tue, 01/16/2018
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The purpose of this proposal is to eliminate the Teaching Specialization in Oral Communication Grades 5-adult program of study. This program has not had a completer/enrollee since May 2014. This proposal does not remove any of the courses in this program. The courses in this program are part of other programs including Communication Arts, Theatre, and the Teaching Specialization in Theatre Education.

This proposal changes the name of COMM 4431: Methods and Materials in Teaching Communication and Theatre to THEA 4431: Methods and Materials in Teaching Theatre. The new catalog description for THEA 4431 is included.

17-18-03 Studio Art Date Approved
Tue, 01/16/2018
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This proposal eliminates courses that are not in use or that can be merged with other options.  The art department lists twelve painting courses in the catalog.  Two of those have not had enrollment for at least two year, and several more have had low enrollment.  We now use ART 4463 Advanced Painting as the de facto advanced painting course.  The primary change will be to the listing of required courses in the Painting Track from "one three hundred level painting course" to ART 4463.  The courses that we propose to eliminate are electives for Studio Art Majors.

17-18-04 Community Health Date Approved
Tue, 01/16/2018
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The purpose of this proposal is to request two changes to the existing Bachelor of Science in Community Health Education degree program.

1. Change the course description for HLTA 4410 Public Health Seminar.

2. Reinstate the Nutrition Area of Emphasis.

3. Allow students completeing the Psychology or Sociology Area of Emphasis to count PSYC 2240/SOCY Behavioral Statistics toward completion of their Area of Emphasis.

17-18-06 Technical Report Writing Date Approved
Tue, 01/16/2018
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This proposal changes the title of ENGL 1103: Technical Report Writing to ENGL 1103: Writing for the Workplace.