15-16-17 Information Systems Management |
Date Approved Tue, 05/10/2016 |
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The intent of this proposal is to request a revision of the curriculum for the BS
major in Information Systems Management (ISM). The proposed changes in required courses for the ISM program curriculum include: BISM 4000 (3 required credit hours) will be deleted; BSBA 4420 (3 required credit hours) will be added; MGMT 3500 (3 required credit hours will be added); BISM 4400 (3 required credit hours) will be changed from required to elective status. Additionally, changes are proposed for the list of prerequisites for the following courses: BISM 2600, BISM 3000; BISM 3400; BISM 3600; BISM 3800; and, BISM 4800.
This curriculum proposal is being driven by the noted areas for improvement within the program as a result of the program assessment process. The current and proposed program formats can be found in Appendix A.
15-16-18 Women's Studies |
Date Approved Tue, 05/10/2016 |
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In order to facilitate completion of the minor, this proposal
1. Updates and expands course offerings across the disciplines, 2. Streamlines electives so students have a larger selection of courses from which
to choose, and 3. Retitles INTR 4402 from Women’s Studies Seminar to Women’s Studies Capstone.
We have regrouped electives previously divided into two lists of course electives
into one category. This change answers to the far greater variety of courses relevant to women’s studies now
offered at FSU and corresponds accurately with course titles now offered regularly. This change also
permits students greater freedom to tailor the minor to support or to complement their academic interests.
INTR 2201, Introduction to Women’s Studies, and INTR 4402, Women’s Studies Capstone (to be changed
from “Women’s Studies Seminar”) will remain the two required courses. Finally, this curriculum
revision removes courses that are held by Pierpont Technical and Community College as well
as FSU courses that are no longer taught or that are no longer applicable to the minor.
15-16-05 Architecture |
Date Approved Tue, 04/12/2016 |
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The B.S Architecture program requires graduates to complete 19 hours of program elective
courses. The program seeks approval to include new courses and courses previously
offered as ARCH 3399 to the program's elective list. These courses (as listed below)
will afford students the opportunity to develop a concentration of knowledge and skills
for professional success. Two (2) of the courses provide credit for participation in our Community Design Assistance
Center (CDAC) and are similar but sequential, the courses would be repeatable; Two
(2) of the courses provide credit for participation in an internship setting augmented
by academic assessment; One (1) course provides credit for a Travel/Study program,
and would be repeatable; and One (1) course establishes a Sustainable Design seminar.
The CDAC, Sustainable Design, and Travel Study courses have previously been offered
under the ARCH xx99 umbrella and the program would like to formalize these courses
with regular offerings now.
15-16-10 Graphics Technology |
Date Approved Tue, 04/12/2016 |
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This proposal is to restructure the Graphics Technology Program centered on a four-year
curriculum in part due to the separation of FSU and P C&TC, but also due to the need
for an improved curriculum offering that will place our Graphics Technology Baccalaureate
graduates in competition for the available work and graduate positions they seek on
a national level. This proposal accomplishes multiple outcomes simultaneously. The
model curriculum restructure incorporates new content in these areas 1) typography
2) data visualization 3) conceptual visual methodologies 4) art history requirements
5) seminar-format research and visual application. At the same time the new proposal
replaces courses that are not "owned" by FSU with FSU-owned courses as mandated by
the separation of the two education institutions. This also aligns new prerequisites and major sequencing including General Education
courses that augment the major curriculum. The proposal keeps many graphics courses
that are FSU-owned but may need updates to criteria or assignments or repositioning
for proper sequencing. This proposal deletes courses that are currently P C&TC-owned
courses due to the mandated separation and for FSU to offer a full four-year curriculum
in Graphics Technology. The goal: prepare four-year graduating FSU students in print, web, and motion/animation
graphic design technology to compete on a national level be it for work in the field
or graduate education.
15-16-12 Architecture |
Date Approved Tue, 04/12/2016 |
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Remove Writing Intensive Course designation from ARCH 4050 Design VI. Designate ARCH 2020, Architectural History II, as a Writing Intensive Course.
15-16-14 Electronics Engineering |
Date Approved Tue, 04/12/2016 |
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his proposal attempts to better accommodate today's freshman students entering the
electronics engineering field of study. The changes herein provide more freedom in
choosing general studies electives, and introduces new courses that more closely align
with the needs of industry (as learned through the ABET Industry Advisory Council)
and better prepares our graduates for today's job market. A. Freshman students in the EET program will be required to take MATH 1101 (Applied
Technical Mathematics 1) and MATH 1102 (Applied Technical Mathematics 2) during their
Fall and Spring semesters respectively. This will provide a strong foundation in mathematics
and problem solving. Students testing out of MATH 1101 and 1102 may select free and
technical electives. Many students have been held back from taking entry level Electronic
courses because of inadequate math placement scores. This approach allows the student
to immediately enter the fundamental courses and follows a similar approach taken
by the other FSU Engineering disciplines. Applied Calculus I (Math 1185) and Applied
Calculus II (Math 1186) are still mandatory for the student testing out of Math 1101
to meet the general studies Quantitative Literacy requirements. B. Instead of specifying a particular general studies course, the EET program strives
to allow the student to determine the appropriate general study course according to
their needs, interest, future goals, and course availability. Students can choose
any course from the FSU offerings for the following general studies courses: Teamwork
(ID), Ethics (IV), Arts (VIIA), Social Studies (VIIC), Interdisciplinary (VI), and
Technology Literacy (IF). C. The EET program is pleased to offer a new course based on feedback from our Industrial
Advisory Committee (IAC) and by reviewing instruction provided from our competitors
in this region. According to our IAC discussions, students should be knowledgeable
to develop automation technology which includes Programmable Logic Controller (PLCs)
Systems. Also, we understand that our closest competing ABET accredited institution
does not offer this type of automation training. This provides a distinction for our
program in the region. We recently purchased a new PLC system manufactured by Siemens
and have begun to develop course work using this equipment. Our goal is to offer training
whereby students will become certified by Siemens with PLC automation technology.
The new class will be titled: ELEC 4420 Advanced Automation Controller Systems. We
want to offer this course starting in the Fall Semester 2016 D. Another new course will replace Shop Practices (ELEC 2200). ELEC 1120 AC/DC Electronics
Analysis provides an organized approach to teaching a student to read a schematic
diagram and to build, simulate, and troubleshoot various AC and DC circuits. This
new course will lay the groundwork required for the more advanced courses and is designed
to instill confidence in using the basic tools of an electronics engineer. E. We propose to change the course number for the present ELEC 2260 Communication
Systems to ELEC 3360. This change is necessary because of the advances in data communication
technology and the level of mathematics and problem solving required in the course.
It is appropriate to define this course as a 3000 series level course taken in the
junior year by EET students.
F. The EET program will add General Chemistry to the course schedule (CHEM 1101).
Our students graduating with a 4-year degree in engineering should have a thorough
understanding of chemical principles. This will also bridge a gap in the instruction
concerning the atomic and molecular structure of conductors, semi-conductors and insulators.
Also, students need fundamental knowledge in this area if working in an environment
involving chemical processing, controls and instrumentation. G. This new model schedule prepares our two and four-year FSU students with strong
skills in mathematics and problem solving, as well as broadening skills in the areas
of science, engineering and high technology. Our objective is for an EET graduate
from FSU to have the hands-on skills required by industry and a thorough background
in theory and problem solving to compete in the changing work environment regionally
and throughout the country.
15-16-15 AVMA |
Date Approved Tue, 04/12/2016 |
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This proposal removes AVMA 1101 and 1103 (Private Pilot ground and flight school courses)
from the required curriculum of the Aviation Administration/Professional Flight program
and lists them as electives instead. The number of required courses (outside of the
common core) is reduced from 45 credit hours down to 39 credit hours. It also changes
the total number of elective credit hours from 3 to 9. Some corrections to the catalog
are also included.
15-16-16 AVIO and AVMT |
Date Approved Tue, 04/12/2016 |
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This proposal removes all AVIO and AVMT courses from the catalog. It also eliminates
the first two years of the Aviation Maintenance Management program from being offered
at FSU. Students being admitted to the program will now be required to have earned
their FAA Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) license from another institution or through
their military experiences. Such students will essentially be admitted with a minimum
of 53 credit hours for their A&P license, perhaps about 60 with general studies courses
or military credits. Students who enroll in our program should be able to complete
their B.S. degree in the Aviation Maintenance Management program in about 2 years.
15-16-06 Psychology |
Date Approved Fri, 03/18/2016 |
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I am proposing that we cross list PSYC 2240 with SOCY 2240 and PSYC 2230 with SOCY
2230, making the psychology classes interchangeable with their sociology equivalents.
Both PSYC2230/SOCY 2230 and PSYC 2240/SOCY 2240 will satisfy the requirements and
prerequisites in the psychology and sociology majors/minors. I am also requesting that psychology majors can take any course in Technology Literacy
(IF) in General Studies. Currently, we require students to take ENGL 1109. However,
to give our students more flexibility, we are going to allow them to take any course
in that General Studies category.
15-16-07 History |
Date Approved Tue, 03/08/2016 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to create four new advanced electives in the history
program, to revise the course descriptions in the catalog for several current history
courses, to eliminate HIST 4428 from the history course offerings, to add a "majors
only" or "instructor approval" prerequisite to HIST 2250 (the history program's writing
intensive course), to replace INTR 2200 with SOCY 2205 as an option for History majors
seeking the B.S., to replace SOCY 1111 with SOCY 3301 as an option for History majors
seeking the B.S., and to revise the catalog to indicate that the General Studies courses
listed in the academic catalog for the history program are recommendations rather
than requirements. These revisions are designed to update the history program curriculum
to more accurately reflect how courses are taught in light of developments within
the field and current faculty expertise.
15-16-08 Sociology |
Date Approved Tue, 03/08/2016 |
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The current proposal seeks to delete one course SOCY 1111 Introduction to Anthropology,
and propose the creation of three other courses SOCY 4487 Directed Study in Sociology,
SOCY 4488 Practicum in Sociology, and SOCY 4489 Directed Research in Sociology. The
deleted course SOCY 1111 is an elective course that is no longer being taught due
to another course covering that content. Alternatively, SOCY 4487, SOCY 4488, and
SOCY 4489 will be designated solely for their described purpose to provide greater
clarity for students' transcripts and institutional assessment. Finally, some changes
to identify which courses are suggested versus required in general studies; with natural
sciences moving from any course to a suggestion of SCIE 1107.
15-16-09 Community Health Education |
Date Approved Tue, 03/08/2016 |
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Education students take PHED4400/4410 with Exercise Science students. Program specific
research courses will better prepare health educators to meet community needs. 2.
Specific courses are required for several General Studies sections, and Nutrition/Psychology/
Sociology emphasis areas. We are making minor updates to the accepted courses. 3.
We are adding specific pre-requisites for courses in the major. 4. We are changing
the course number for HLTA 4420 to HLTA 3345. 5. HLTA 4451/4452: We request the grading
be changed from pass/fail to standard grading. 6. Replace FOSM 1110 with HLTA 1110.
Remove Nutrition emphasis area from program.
15-16-11 Nursing |
Date Approved Tue, 03/08/2016 |
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This proposal changes the outcomes of ALLH 3341 Death and Dying. The new outcomes
are in alignment with IOM recommendations for improving quality and honoring individual
preferences near the end of life, as well as basic tenets of thanatology. The new
outcomes also use language approved by the curriculum committee.
15-16-13 Nursing |
Date Approved Tue, 03/08/2016 |
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This proposal is to add two new courses: Intro to Healthcare Professions (ALLH 1150
or SOCY 1150 or PSYC 1150) and Exploration of Healthcare Professions (ALLH 1160 or
SOCY 1160 or PSYC 1160). These two courses are cross listed across three disciplines
(ALLH, SOCY, and PSYC). These courses are intended to increase student interest in
the healthcare professions. These courses will be geared toward high school seniors,
college freshmen and sophomores who are interested in healthcare careers. These courses
are being developed as part of a Rural Health Initiative grant to "Develop pipeline
programs to enhance student interests in rural healthcare careers." These courses
are also being considered for inclusion in the general studies program. ALLH 1150,
SOCY 1150, and PSYC 1150 are being considered for inclusion in health and wellbeing.
ALLH 1160, SOCY 1160, and PSYC 1160 are being considered for inclusion in teamwork.
Although listed across three disciplines, students may take and receive credit for
each course only once.
15-16-01 English Rev 1 FINAL |
Date Approved Tue, 01/19/2016 |
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This proposal renumbers the 1000- level composition sequence, implements an Accelerated
Learning Program to replace English, and changes the general studies offerings 1C:
Written Communication. A separate GS proposal for these changes will be submitted
to the October GS committee meeting.
15-16-02 African Drum and Dance Rev 1 FINAL |
Date Approved Tue, 01/19/2016 |
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This proposal is submitted for the purpose of implementing a permanent course number
for African Drum and Dance, a music ensemble now taught under MUSI 1199. The proposed
course number is MUSI 2280.* The course provides important experience for music majors,
but is open to non-majors, as well. Since this is an ensemble, the course number is
repeatable. It provides another option for Music students to expand their experience
with different types of ensemble performance and styles of music.
15-16-03 Criminal Justice Rev 2 FINAL |
Date Approved Tue, 01/19/2016 |
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We would like to add two new courses to the catalog as elective CJ courses. CRIM 3385
– Racial Profiling, and CRIM 3390 – Forensic Psychology. A memo from the Registrar approving the new course numbers
is attached to the back of the proposal.
15-16-04 Musm and Folk Rev 3 FINAL |
Date Approved Tue, 01/19/2016 |
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We request that FOLK 3301 Material Culture and MUSM 2150 Folk Arts each be listed
with both prefixes (FOLK and MUSM) in order that students in these minors, housed
in the Departments of Language and Literature and of Social Sciences, and physically
located at the Folklife Center, have the benefit of either course to satisfy the requirement
in each minor. Each course offers components and experiences that enhance the two
areas and we believe students should have the choice of course.