14-15-30 Geography |
Date Approved Tue, 05/12/2015 |
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We propose eliminating the minor in Geography. GEOG 2210 Intro to Geography and GEOG
3315 Urban Geography will continue to be offered every semester with all other geography
classes offered on a reduce rotation.
14-15-21 Biology 2205 |
Date Approved Tue, 04/14/2015 |
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The content of the proposal details the changing of BIOL. 2205 (Technical Microbiology),
a four-credit course requiring a concurrent lecture section and laboratory section,
into an independent three-credit lecture course and one-credit laboratory course (BIOL
2206). These changes will not affect the total subject matter, nor will it significantly
affect how this material is taught. This change will 1) allow the Nursing program
the option of requiring students to take only the lecture component, or both components,
2) allow for separate grades to be submitted for the lecture and the laboratory components,
and 3) 'rrr we transfer and articulation from other institutions.
14-15-23 Sport Management |
Date Approved Tue, 04/14/2015 |
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The faculty of the School of Business proposes to eliminate "Sport Management" from
the list of concentrations available for the B. S. in Business Administration degree
effective Fall 2015 (2015-2016 Academic Catalog).
14-15-24 Management Concentration |
Date Approved Tue, 04/14/2015 |
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This proposal consists of restructuring the Management Concentration of the B.S. in
Business Administration degree by altering the required course list and streamlining
the list of management electives with additions and deletions. This restructuring
will also increase from 12 to 15 the number of required credit hours and reduce from
12 to 6 the number of elective credit hours required in the concentration. Courses
which are no longer being taught on a regular basis, or at all, are being removed
from the electives list and new courses are being added which better fit into today's
management environment, including the addition of a new course, MGMT 3500 — Project
14-15-25 Minor in Business |
Date Approved Tue, 04/14/2015 |
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This proposal intends to change the title of the minor in General Business by omitting
the word "General," and make a course adjustment in the required curriculum by removing
BISM 3200 — Management Information Systems and inserting MGMT 3350 — Small Business
Management. This minor is for non-business majors only.
14-15-26 Forensic Science |
Date Approved Tue, 04/14/2015 |
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Based on seeking accreditation from the American Academy of Forensic Science, the
B.S. in Forensic Science curriculum is being revised including two new courses (Forensic
Biology and Research in Forensic Science) being created, which take the place of several
courses that are being eliminated from the curriculum. The overall effect of these
changes is that 1 credit hour of required coursework is eliminated from the curriculum
and that is being added to the free elective category.
14-15-28 ENGL 3388 |
Date Approved Tue, 04/14/2015 |
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This proposal changes the course description of ENGL 3388, Women's Literature, to
update the list of suggested authors to be covered and to bring the course description
more into line with the course outcomes.
14-15-29 Math 2216 |
Date Approved Tue, 04/14/2015 |
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This proposal seeks to adjust the math program for the Mathematics Teaching Specialization,
Grades 5-9. The change is to remove Math 2216 - Discrete Math from the list of required courses
for the teaching specialization. There are also numerical and description errors in the catalog for the Mathematics
Teaching Specialization, Grades 5-9, that will be corrected.
14-15-27 Special Education Undergraduate |
Date Approved Sat, 03/14/2015 |
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This proposal is submitted to develop an undergraduate concentration in Special Education
leading to K-12 certification. In the past, FSU offered an elementary degree with
a specialization in Special Education (1979 - 2006), but enrollment dropped due to
curricular demands (24 credit hours) and an extensive field experience (480 clinical
hours) This concentration allows teacher candidates to graduate with an Elementary
Multi-Subject (K-6) degree and a Special Education (K-12) concentration by taking
three additional courses (SPED 2520, SPED 3520, and SPED 4520). Successful completion
will allow students to then take state required exams, certifying them in special
education and thus ensuring their marketability upon graduation. Additional faculty
or resources will not be needed for this concentration.
14-15-12 Criminal Justice |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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Multiple revisions to the criminal justice program are suggested in this proposal.
Including: • Deletion of 12 CJ elective courses. • Creation of 4 new CJ electives.
• Removal of CJ elective concentrations. • Require CR1M 4425, increasing the number
of CJ required classes by 3 credit hours Three hours of free electives will be removed
from the program to keep the total hours at 120. • Change CRIM 2220 to CRIM 3311 with
a title and catalog description change. Multiple changes to general studies requirements.
Change title and course description of CRIM 4410. Due to both being changed a new
course number will also be created. The new course will be 4412. • Make CRIM 3399
and CRIM 4401 and 4411 repeatable. In addition, change the title of CRIM 4410, CRIM
2220 and CR1M 4411. • Change status of CR1M 2202 Principles of Criminal Law from required
to elective. • Change status of CR1M 3340 from elective to required and change the
title. • Change the wording regarding the required 21 hours of Social and Behavioral
Science Credits for our program.
14-15-13 Macroeconomics |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to change the course title of BSBA 2211: Economics
Principles and Problems I to BSBA 2211: Principles of Macroeconomics.
14-15-14 Microeconomics |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to change the course title of BSBA 2212: Economics
Principles and Problems II to BSBA 2212: Principles of Microeconomics.
14-15-15 Managerial Economics |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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A new course, Managerial Economics, is proposed as a 3000 level, 3 credit hour, business
elective course: BSBA 3350. This course will provide a solid foundation of economic
understanding for use in managerial decision making by using a problem-solving approach.
It will be designed to sharpen the analytical skills of the students through integrating
their knowledge of economic theory learned in introductory courses with decision making
techniques. If approved, this proposal would generate a new permanently numbered course from a
temporary special topics course (BSBA 3399 Managerial Economics) and discontinued
economics course (ECON 4401 Managerial Economics). The course will be an elective
for School of Business majors; specifically intended for general business and management
14-15-16 Business elimination of minors |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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This proposal requests the elimination of four minor programs offered in the School
of Business: (1) Accounting; (2) Finance; (3) Information Systems Management; and,
(4) Retail Management.
14-15-17 Phil 2200 |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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The proposal is to change the course description for PHIL 2200, Introduction to Philosophy.
14-15-18 Phil 2250 |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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The proposal is to change the course description for PHIL 2250, Great Philosophers.
14-15-19 Exercise Science |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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The intent of this proposal is to correct some of the General Studies courses that
were inadvertently labeled in the Exercise Science 120 hour curriculum proposal by
changing "Required" to "Recommended". *Attribute IF is currently listed as ENGL 1109 (which means that this is a requirement),
this request will change it to "Any Course from IF" (to give students flexibility
in fulfilling this requirement). *COMM 2200 or 2201 is listed under 3 attributes but can only be listed under 2; this
proposal addresses this over usage of these courses. We request that the following
major requirements be changed: *Change FOSM 1150 Sports Nutrition to "FOSM 1150 Sports
Nutrition or FOSM 1110 Nutrition". *Change "CHEM 1101 or PHYS 1101" to "CHEM 1101
or CHEM 1105" (Remove the "or PHYS 1101") We request a renumbering of the following
courses: PHED 2216 "Group Fitness" be renumbered to PHED 3314. PHED 2218 "Advanced
Personal Training" be renumbered to PHED 3315. We request changes to the following
courses by adding the pre-requisites as specified: * PHED 2216: (renumber this course to PHED 3314) PR - earn a grade of C or better
in PHED 3312; * PHED 2218: (renumber this course to PHED 3315) PR - earn a grade of
C or better in PHED 3312; * PHED 3312: PR — earn a grade of C or better in either
CHEM 1101 or 1105 AND a grade of C or better in PHED 2211 or BIOL 1180-1181; (Note:
Curriculum Proposal 14-15-22 seeks to rename/renumber HLCA 1170 and1171 to BIOL 1180-1181)
* PHED 3313: PR — earn a grade of C or better in either CHEM 1101 or 1105 AND a grade
of C or better in PHED 2211 or BIOL 1180-1181; (Note: Curriculum Proposal 14-15-22
seeks to rename/renumber HLCA 1170 and1171 to BIOL 1180-1181) * PHED 3316: PR — earn
a grade of C or better in PHED 3312; * PHED 3317: PR — earn a grade of C or better
in PHED 3316; * PHED 4400: PR — earn a grade of C or better in PHED 3316; * PHED 4410:
PR - earn a grade of C or better in PHED 4400; * PHED 4420: PR -complete all pre-4000
course work or obtain instructor permission.
14-15-20 Math Support Program |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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The Math Support Program will replace the developmental courses that were previously
offered by Pierpont Community & Technical College. The separation of the two institutions,
as well as recent state initiatives to minimize non-credit bearing courses in college,
has catalyzed the inception of this program. This program includes four support courses
(MATH 1001, 1007, 1011, & 1012) that implement the co-requisite model for mathematics.
These courses have been/will be offered as MATH 1199 courses in Fall 2014 & Spring
2015. This proposal requests that these courses be approved for the FSU 2015-16 catalog
and assigned a formal MATH course number.
14-15-22 Biol 1180 and 1181 |
Date Approved Tue, 03/10/2015 |
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BIOL 1170 was a Fairmont State University course, but was given to Pierpont Community
and Technical College during the first separation. The community college, then, changed
BIOL 1170 to HLCA 1170 and 1171. Because of the complete separation of the university
and community college scheduled for fall 2015, the course must be returned to the
University for the nursing and safety programs. There is no significant change to
the curriculum or content. As with their HLCA counterparts, the proposed courses BIOL
1180 Human Physiology and BIOL 1181 Human Anatomy will be a 3 hour lecture course
consisting of an introduction to human physiology (lecture) and a 1 hour human anatomy
course (lab). It replaces the Pierpont course HLCA 1170 and HLCA 1171, and will replace
these courses in university programs.
14-15-09 French Minor |
Date Approved Tue, 01/20/2015 |
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This proposal revises the requirements of the French minor and adds two new courses
to the French curriculum: FREN 3326: Media Studies in French, and FREN 4420: Francophone
Cultures of the Americas. Credit hours for the minor will remain unchanged.
14-15-10 Italian Courses |
Date Approved Tue, 01/20/2015 |
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This proposal will establish ITAL 1199, Special Topics in Italian; ITAL 2299, Special
Topics in Italian; and ITAL 3399, Special Topics in Italian.
14-15-11 HIST 2250 |
Date Approved Tue, 01/20/2015 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to create a new writing intensive course (HIST 2250)
specifically designed for History B.A. and B.S. majors. Students will take the proposed
course during their sophomore or junior year. It will introduce them to styles of
writing that are particular to the field of history, introduce them to historical
research methods, and teach them to utilize Chicago-style citations preferred by historians.
The new course will be required as part of the core history curriculum and it will
fulfill history majors' Writing Intensive Course requirement. It will also provide
a mid-level assessment tool for the history program.
14-15-02 Outdoor Recreational Leadership Minor |
Date Approved Tue, 12/09/2014 |
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The Outdoor Recreation Leadership minor was developed 7 years ago. With changes in
the Outdoor Recreation Fields the Outdoor Recreation Faculty believes the minor needs
to be updated for better alignment with current trends. It is proposed to reduce the
credit hours required to graduate with a minor in Outdoor Recreation Leadership from
24 to 20 by changing the core that is required from 20 to 14 credit hours within the
current curriculum and changing the elective requirement from 4 credit hours to 6.
The courses that are currently listed in Minor Electives Group I will be removed.
Six credit hours of outdoor recreation activity courses that are currently offered
within the curriculum will replace those listed under the Minor Electives Group 1.
All other current course offerings will be placed in Minor Electives Group II. These changes will make the minor more functional and attractive while providing a
stronger, more applicable base of course work to the students choosing a minor in
Outdoor Recreation Leadership.The following course descriptions will have the course
prerequisites removed. RECR 1177 (Adventure Water Sports), RECR 2220 (Program Planning
and Organization) and RECR 3330 (Group Leadership). Course prerequisites currently
required are not necessary for course completion and success.
14-15-03 ASN Program Changes |
Date Approved Tue, 12/09/2014 |
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This proposal includes the following changes to the ASN Program:
• Changes in the philosophy and conceptual framework to reflect current discipline-specific
professional standards (See Appendix B)
• Changes in the program, graduate, and course outcomes to reflect the new philosophy
and conceptual framework (See Appendices C and D)
• Revision of the model schedule for the traditional ASN Program involving course
deletions, additions, and revisions (See Appendix A). The proposed changes would not
result in a net credit hour change. The Program would remain at 60 credit hours.
14-15-04 Music Courses |
Date Approved Tue, 12/09/2014 |
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This proposal seeks to implement two permanent course numbers for music courses taught
under MUSI 1199 in the past. These two courses are MUSI 1118 Exploring Music in America
and MUSI 1119 Exploring Music in World Cultures. These courses are also being submitted
to fulfill the General Studies Attribute VIIA — Arts (for approval for the 2015-2016
academic year).
14-15-05 Journalism Internship |
Date Approved Tue, 12/09/2014 |
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Make JOUR 3343, Journalism Internship, repeatable
14-15-06 LPN to ASN |
Date Approved Tue, 12/09/2014 |
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This proposal reduces the amount of Microbiology credits required in the LPN-ASN Program
from 4 to 3. The BIOL 2205 lab will no longer be required. Also, the number of credits for NURS 1101 awarded for the LPN licensure will be increased
from 6 to 7 to align with the number of credits normally awarded in that course for
all other ASN students.
14-15-07 Science of disasters course |
Date Approved Tue, 12/09/2014 |
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The "Science of Disasters" has been successfully offered as an SCIE 1199 course for
three semesters as a science elective for non-science majors. This proposal requests
that it be approved for the FSU 2015-16 catalog and assigned a formal SCIE number.
(In addition, has been submitted for acceptance as a general studies approved course.)
14-15-08 PSCY Course Wording & Numbering |
Date Approved Tue, 12/09/2014 |
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First, we propose to change the wording in the catalog with regards to Directed Research,
PSYC 4490 and Directed Studies, PSYC 4480. This word change will essentially be the
same wording we have in the catalog now, except it will detail that students can repeat
the course for credit. Our second proposed change involves PSYC 3340, Intervention Techniques and Applications.
The proposal we are making here is to change the level of the course to the 4000 level.
The course number will now be PSYC 4470 and a pre-requisite will be PSYC 4410, Theories
of Personality.
14-15-01 Community health education practicum changes |
Date Approved Tue, 11/11/2014 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to request three changes to the existing Bachelor
of Science Community Health Education Program. 1. Change the current 6-credit Practicum/Internship to 4-credit hours. Our intent
is to align the course with national standards in the field of Health Education, and
align it to similar capstone experiences within the School of Education, Health, and
Human Performance. 2. By changing the Practicum/Internship from 6 to 4 credit hours, modification to
the requirements for the major and the minor are necessary. 3. Align the community health education minor with national standards.