13-14-12: ESL courses to the University |
Date Approved Tue, 05/06/2014 |
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This proposal will move the ESL courses that have been taught under Continuing Education
into twenty-one ESL courses taught by the University.
13-14-13: Withdraw MATH 2212 from General Studies |
Date Approved Tue, 05/06/2014 |
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The Math department has deleted/withdrawn one course from the General Studies program
under the Critical Analysis attribute. The course is MATH 2212-Sets, Relations and
Functions. This changes ONE course in the General Studies Options for our two programs,
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Bachelor of Arts in Education: Specialization
in Mathematics 5-Adult.
In response, we were asked to submit a proposal indicating the adjustment of the General
Studies program for Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Bachelor of Arts in Education:
Specialization in Mathematics 5-Adult.
Changes are due to a major's course being deleted from the General Studies program
under the Critical Analysis attribute and to make the selection process more flexible
for students in these degree programs.
13-14-14: Minor in Museum Studies |
Date Approved Tue, 05/06/2014 |
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This proposal creates a new 18 hour minor in Museum Studies located in the College
of Liberal Arts/Department of Social Science and to be physically housed at the Gabor
WV Folklife Center. The intent of this minor is to allow students who complete the
program to have a solid base in the various components of museum training to include
collections management, exhibit development and production, interpretation and museum
education, and a general understanding of museum concepts for an introductory position
in a small to medium size facility as well as a foundation for further graduate studies.
This proposal also creates a new prefix, MUSM, for identifying the minor program courses
(See Appendix B for approval from the Registrar to use MUSM as the new subject code).
13-14-08: Changes to BS in Sociology |
Date Approved Tue, 04/08/2014 |
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Create new required courses SOCY-2205 Principles of race, class, and gender 3cr.;
SOCY-3370 Concepts of Survey Design 3cr.; and SOCY-4480 Senior Capstone 3cr .. Change
total hours for Major (general emphasis) and population studies concentration core
from 30cr to 42cr by adding SOCY-2205, SOCY-3370, SOCY-4480, and requiring 3cr additional
elective. Specify that classes satisfying elective hours include at least one class
from each new course cluster. Remove the minor requirement from the population studies
concentration. Multiple pre-requisite, class name, description, and course number
changes. Designate that SOCY-1199 and SOCY-4998 will satisfy elective cluster as designated
by current instructor.
13-14-09: Changes to PSYC and SOCY courses |
Date Approved Tue, 04/08/2014 |
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This proposal changes the name of PSYC 2240 Statistics to PSYC 2240 Behavioral Statistics,
and makes the class interchangeable with SOCY 2240 for core requirement and prerequisite
purposes. Corresponding course catalog changes are described. This proposal changes prerequisite for PSYC 2230 Social Psychology, to either PSYC
1101 Introduction to Psychology OR SOCY 1110 Introduction to Sociology.
13-14-06: Align BA in English with BA in English Education |
Date Approved Tue, 03/04/2014 |
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This proposal aligns elective major courses for the B.A. in English with those for
B.A. in English Education
13-14-07: School of Business Prefix Changes |
Date Approved Tue, 03/04/2014 |
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This proposal requests changing the existing prefix for nineteen (19) courses in the
current School of Business curricula from BUSN to the new prefix of BSBA. In addition,
the proposal requests changing current prefixes for eight (8) courses shared with
Pierpont C& TC, to the new prefix, BSBA, including a change in course numbers for
three (3) courses (denoted by asterisk):
- ACCT 2201 Principles of Accounting I
- ACCT 2202 Principles of Accounting II
- ECON 2200 Economics
- ECON 2201* Economic Principles and Problems I
- ECON 2202* Economic Principles and Problems II
- FINC 2201* Introduction to Finance
- MGMT 2209 Principles of Management
- MKTG 2204 Principles of Marketing
This proposal requests prefix and course number changes only. This action will not
alter or change any curricula, course description, course content, or learning outcomes
for the affected courses. Please refer to Appendix B for a complete list of proposed
course changes.
13-14-10: BUSN 2205 TO MGMT 3350 |
Date Approved Tue, 03/04/2014 |
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The School of Business proposes to change BUSN 2205 –Small Business Fundamentals back
to an upper-level management elective. The course modifications will include change
of prefix, change of course number, change of course title, addition of course prerequisites,
and change of the primary foci of the cognitive process dimensions from remembering,
understanding, and applying to analyzing, evaluating and creating. Course content
will not substantially change, although emphasis will be placed on integration of
existing knowledge. The new course will be MGMT 3350 – Small Business Management,
with foundational coursework in accounting, finance, marketing, and management being
required to effectively study these topics in the small business context.
13-14-11: School of Business - Change course number |
Date Approved Tue, 03/04/2014 |
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This proposal is simply to renumber Marketing (MKTG) 2205 Salesmanship and Sales Management
to Marketing (MKTG) 3400 Salesmanship and Sales Management
13-14-02: Department of Music Course Number Creation |
Date Approved Tue, 01/14/2014 |
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This proposal seeks to eliminate the various course numbers associated with private
lessons in the Department of Music in favor of creating three course numbers to serve
the three types of private lessons needed by students. These types of lessons can
be best illustrated in the list below:
- MUSI 1140 Music Private Lessons (non-music major private lessons, 1 credit hour, no pre-requisites)
- MUSI 1160 Applied Music I (music major private lessons, 2 credits only, freshman & sophomore
- MUSI 3360 Applied Music II (music major private lessons, 2 credits only, who have passed the
Sophomore Evaluation in the Music program.
13-14-05: Pre-Major Code Removal for SoFA |
Date Approved Tue, 12/10/2013 |
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- This revision removes Pre-[Major] codes for students in all Bachelor of Arts degrees
in the School of Fine Arts.
- The proposal requires no changes to curricula, graduation requirements, or the manner
in which students proceed through their programs. Sophomore reviews, including juries,
portfolio reviews, and conferences will continue to determine the readiness for pursuing
upper- division course work.
- The assignment of Pre-major codes has proved confusing and even detrimental in the
years since the inception of their usage, and this proposal aims to rectify the situation.
13-14-01: LPN to ASN Program |
Date Approved Tue, 11/12/2013 |
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Currently, the licensed practical nurse (LPN) to associate degree in nursing (ASN)
track is considered an extension of the traditional ASN program and the curriculum
is the same for the traditional student as well as the LPN to ASN student. The curriculum
covers a significant amount of information taught in LPN programs rather than concentrating
on the acquisition of new knowledge and skills needed to prepare the LPN for the role
transition to registered nurse (RN). Therefore, the goal of this proposed curriculum
change is to bridge the gap between LPN and RN education by developing a curriculum
designed to build on the knowledge and experience of the LPN. This curriculum design
allows for further development of the LPN to ASN track to become a separate bridge
13-14-04: Nursing 3320 / 4410 |
Date Approved Tue, 11/12/2013 |
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The school of nursing proposes to recombine theory and clinical hours for NURS 4410
and NURS 3320. This does not result in any changes to the total number of credit hours
for each course, nor does it change the content or outcomes of the course. This would
also be consistent with combined theory and clinical courses in the associate degree
nursing program and the capstone course in the BSN rogram (NURS 4440).