Having a healthy roommate relationship is central to an enjoyable housing experience. Whether selecting a roommate from our matching program or sharing roommate codes, we strongly recommend that potential roommates communicate ahead of time. Many problems can be avoided with open communication. We have found that some of the most important considerations are as follows:
Active Hours and Resting Hours
Try to match with a roommate that will have the same general schedule as you. Our online personality survey will match you with people who begin and end their days at similar times to you. We also encourage you to consider what times you would like to use the room for studying or entertaining guests, and communicate this desire with your roommate(s).
Personal Property and Buying Items
Although all roommates will need to communicate about sharing food, game systems, and other personal items, this is especially important in Bryant Place and University Terrace. In suite-style housing and apartments, residents will need to supply bathroom and cleaning supplies themselves. Communicating purchasing expectations and indicating "personal" and "communal" items is a must.
Cleanliness and Organization
While we do have certain minimum standards of cleanliness as part of our safety and security inspections, it is still important to speak to roommates ahead of time to understand cleaning schedules and responsibilities. In buildings with common areas, this can be especially important to avoid conflict.
Communicating whether you are a heavy sleeper, someone who needs silence to study, or someone who has a noisy morning routine can help avoid problems. Many study rooms and social areas exist on campus so that roommates can respect one another's needs for silence, and can share use of the room equally.
Remember that communication requires listening, and make sure to respect any differing opinions your roommate may have.