By now, you’ve probably learned that applying to college requires submitting lots of information. Here are some timelines to keep you on track to becoming a Falcon:
Before You are AdmittedAfter You are AdmittedTimeline for Seniors
Happy Holidays from Fairmont State University. The University is closed from 4 p.m. Friday, December 20 through Thursday, January 2. Fairmont State will reopen on Friday, January 3.
By now, you’ve probably learned that applying to college requires submitting lots of information. Here are some timelines to keep you on track to becoming a Falcon:
Before You are AdmittedAfter You are AdmittedTimeline for Seniors
See the full month-to-month timeline for high school seniors below.
Congratulations on being accepted and admitted to Fairmont State University! Here are your next steps to take: