Curriculum Planning Timeline Impact

Curriculum Planning Timeline

The curriculum timeline is aligned with the University’s yearly undergraduate and graduate catalog publication schedule. College and Department personnel should note the year-round process of curriculum review, development, and implementation.

The Curriculum Committee coordinates the annual review of all undergraduate level programs and courses to make sure they are completed by the fall deadline. Program and course proposals approved at the College and Department level must be submitted on schedule for review by the Curriculum Committee. All approved program or course changes will be published and become effective in the next published undergraduate catalog. There are no guarantee proposals submitted after established deadlines will be become effective the next Fall undergraduate catalog.

Submitting a proposal(s) by or before dates listed below will allow the best chance of the proposal making it into the the 2024-2025 catalog.

However, due to the nature of the approval process - Curriculum Committee, Faculty Senate, and etc., - there are no guarantees all proposals will make the deadline for the next catalog.

Type of Proposal Target Date
(Priority date to have proposal submitted to the Curriculum Committee)
Proposal Form
New degree program or major October, 2nd Tuesday Contact Provost Office
New concentration October, 2nd Tuesday Curriculum Revision Form
New certificate October, 2nd Tuesday New Certificate Form
Curriculum Revision
(e.g., revise a major,revision a minor, revise concentration)
November, 2nd Tuesday Curriculum Revision Form
New Course November, 2nd Tuesday New Course Form
New Minor November, 2nd Tuesday New Minor Form
Course Revision April, 2nd Tuesday Course Revision Form
Pre-requisite, Co-requisite Change April, 2nd Tuesday Pre-requisite Form
Discontinue a major, minor, course offering at the University. January, 2nd Tuesday Contact Provost Office

Faculty interested in submitting a proposal for a new program, concentration, minor, or certificate, should begin by communicating the proposal with the Department Chair to gain support before planning proposal.