The syllabus establishes the structure of the course and communicates what students
will learn, how they will be assessed and evaluated, and what is required for them
to be successful. The syllabus also documents instructor intentions and sets the tone
for the course. An instructor can circumvent a host of student misunderstandings and
grievances over the course of the semester by clearly communicating course expectations
within the syllabus.
The mission and standards of the department, University, and accrediting agencies
are also often reflected in the syllabus. Departments are required to store a copy
of each course syllabus every semester for national accreditation and course reviews.
Make sure to check with your Department Chair to confirm college or program-specific
syllabus requirements.
Blackboard Accessible
Faculty should ensure their course syllabi are uploaded as a PDF and accessible for
students on Blackboard.
Common Course Syllabus
All courses at Fairmont State University share common syllabus components approved
by the Faculty Senate in the Spring, 2021.
Syllabus Components
General Course Information
Course prefix, number, and title
Course section
Semester offered and year
Instructor Contact Information
Instructor name, phone, email
Instructor office location and office hours
Course Description (include any prerequisites/corequisites)
Textbook and Course Material
Technology Requirements
Course Delivery
Course Learning Outcomes
Evaluation and Grading Scale
Course Map OR Connecting Learning Outcomes with Assessment Measures
Fairmont State values highly the integrity of its student scholars. All students and
faculty members are urged to share in the responsibility for removing every situation
which might permit or encourage academic dishonesty. Cheating in any form, including
plagiarism, must be considered a matter of the gravest concern. Cheating is defined
here as:
the obtaining of information during an examination;
the unauthorized use of books, notes, or other sources of information prior to or
during an examination;
the removal of faculty examination materials;
the alteration of documents or records; or
actions identifiable as occurring with the intent to defraud or use under false pretense.
Plagiarism is defined here as the submission of the ideas, words (written or oral),
or artistic productions of another, falsely represented as one's original effort or
without giving due credit. Students and faculty should examine proper citation forms
to avoid inadvertent plagiarism.
Accessibility Services contributes to the development of equitable higher education
experiences for all students who have disabilities. Accessibility services are available
to any student, full or part-time, who has a need because of a documented disability.
It is the student’s responsibility to register for accessibility services and to provide
any necessary documentation to verify the need for accommodations. Faculty will be
provided with a copy of the students’ academic accommodation letter each semester
in order to receive accommodations. Faculty, students, and the Office of Accessibility
Services must cooperate to ensure the most effective provision of accommodations for
each class. The Office of Accessibility Services is located in 303O Turley Center. For additional
information, please call (304) 367-4543 or visit the Accessibility website.
It is the student’s responsibility to inform faculty each semester of any necessary
accommodations needed in order to receive accommodations throughout the semester.
Faculty are under no obligation to provide academic accommodations until the student
discusses the accommodation letter with them. When a student has asked for disability
related accommodations without an accommodation letter, a referral is appropriate
and necessary. Faculty or students who encounter problems regarding accommodations
are asked to notify the Office of Accessibility Services immediately.
Fairmont State University values students’ opinions. Your participation in special
assessments, surveys, and course evaluations assists us in improving the services
of the institution and the effectiveness of classroom instruction. These are to be
viewed as course requirements and completed to the best of your ability and with full
Students are expected to attend regularly the class and laboratory sessions of courses
in which they are registered. Regular attendance is necessary to the successful completion
of a course of study and is an integral part of a student's educational experience.
Each instructor shall make available on the first day of class what the attendance
requirements are and what penalties shall be imposed for nonattendance.
Learning technologies, online testing, and other virtual deliveries of content may
require the audio and/or visual recording of you for educational purposes, by enrolling
in this course, you consent to such recording for this stated purpose unless you advise
the instructor in writing of your objection at least five days following receipt of
this notice.
Material presented in this course may be protected by copyright law.
Following guidance from the CDC as well as State and Local Officials, Fairmont State
reserves the right to determine the method of delivery of class content, and modify
classroom configuration to comply with COVID-19 safety guidance. The University also
reserves the right to institute mandatory safety protocols including requiring students
to wear masks at all times while in the classrooms.
Fairmont State University is committed to social justice. I concur with that commitment
and expect to maintain a positive learning environment based upon open communication,
mutual respect, and non-discrimination. Our University does not discriminate on the
basis of race, sex, age, disability, veteran’s status, religion, sexual orientation,
color, or national origin. Any suggestions as to how to further such a positive and
open environment in this class will be appreciated and given serious consideration.
If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation
in order to participate in this class, please advise let me know, and make appropriate
arrangements with the Office of Accessibility Services (304-367-4141).
Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex, gender, and gender
identity are Civil Rights offenses subject to the same kinds of accountability and
the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such
as race, national origin, etc. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted,
you can find the appropriate resources on the Title-IX page, by calling 304.367.4386, or by emailing
Additional information about all policies can be found online in the Student Handbook. Additional student resources can be found online on the Student Resources Page.