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HAPPY HOLIDAYS — Fairmont State University is closed for Winter Break

Happy Holidays from Fairmont State University. The University is closed from 4 p.m. Friday, December 20 through Thursday, January 2. Fairmont State will reopen on Friday, January 3.

View the Falcon Center Winter Break Hours

Writing Intensive Courses (WIC) Impact

Writing Intensive Courses (WIC)

All Fairmont State students are required to complete at least one designated writing intensive course as part of their core curriculum program or their major field of study. This course will not be in addition to their other courses, but rather a course from those approved as a core curriculum or majors courses. Students cannot use ENGL 1101, ENGL 1102, ENGL 1103, ENGL 2221, ENGL 2230, or ENGL 2231 to satisfy the writing intensive course requirement.

Rationale for WIC

Writing intensive (WI) courses benefit students by:

  1. Improving writing skills as a means of self-expression
  2. Increasing knowledge and understanding of course content
  3. Enhancing critical thinking skills
    • Evaluation
    • Analysis
    • Interpretation
    • Inference
    • Explanation
    • Self-regulation

Criteria for WIC

  1. Writing is Part of the Learning Outcomes of the Course. The syllabus must reflect the critical role that writing plays in the course. Writing assignments in the WI course may be designed as a means to achieving mastery of course content, developing professional communication, or both.
  2. Writing is a Significant Part of the Coursework. A minimum of twenty pages of written work will be assigned in a variety of formal and informal writing assignments and formats throughout the semester. This might include, but is not limited to: research reports, critical essays, laboratory reports, logs, journals, or short in-class responses.
  3. Writing is Learned Through Revision. The instructor will provide opportunities for substantial revision in which the student responds to instructor feedback as well as discipline-specific writing instruction.
  4. Writing is Explained and Practiced in the Course. Explicit writing instruction must be integral to the course, as part of the course content and as a significant, recurring activity. Through instruction, students should learn about writing, including its disciplinary structures and functions, and should practice writing in a variety of modes and settings appropriate to the discipline. The forms and types of writing instruction that will be used in the course should be explained in the syllabus or supporting teaching materials.
  5. Writing is a Significant Part of the Course Grade. At least 30% of the course grade must be based on writing assignments.
  6. Prerequisites: English 1101 and English 1102 or English 1103
  7. Enrollment: An enrollment cap of twenty students.

Visit the Course Catalog for Writing Intensive course descriptions.

Writing Intensive Course List

  • ACCT 4410 Case Studies in Accounting
  • ALLH 4401 Allied Health Practicum and Seminar
  • ARCH 2020 Architectural History II
  • ART 3374 Art History from Prehistory to 1450 
  • ART 3376 Art History from 1450 to 1750
  • ART 3378 Art History from 1750 to 1950
  • ART 3380 Art History since 1950
  • AVMA 3305 General Aviation Operations
  • BIOL 3390 Molecular Biotechnology
  • BISM 2800 Corporate Communications and Tech.
  • BISM 4000 Global, Economic, Ethical, and   Social Information Systems
  • CHEM 3301 Physical Chemistry I
  • CHEP 4450: Program Funding & Administration
  • COMM 4495 Seminar in Communication Issues
  • COMP 3395 Ethical Issues in Computing
  • CRJU 4410 Research in Criminal Justice
  • CRJU 4425 Evaluation of the Criminal Justice System
  • EDUC 3330 The Reading Process
  • EDUC 3331 Reading in the Content Areas
  • EDUC 3351 Inclusive Classroom Practices
  • ELEC 4400 Senior Electronics Project
  • ENGL 3303 Survey of American Literature I
  • ENGL 3304 Survey of American Literature II
  • ENGL 3313 Survey of British Literature I 
  • ENGL 3314 Survey of British Literature II 
  • ENGL 3332 Narrative and Descriptive Writing  
  • ENGL 3333 Writing Non-Fiction
  • ENGL 3344 Writing Poetry
  • ENGL 3345 Writing Fiction
  • ENGL 3349 Advanced Technical Communication
  • ENGL 3374 Shakespeare
  • FACS 3315 Management in the Family
  • FACS 3335 Parenting
  • FINC 3385 Analyzing Financial Statements 
  • FREN 4411 Advanced French Comp. & Conversation 
  • GRAP 4410 Advanced Topics in Graphics   
  • HLTA 3370 Contemporary and Drug Behavior Issues 
  • JOUR 2280 History of American Journalism   
  • MATH 4520 Abstract Algebra   
  • MUSI 3313 Music in Western Civilization to 1750   
  • MUSI 3314 Music in Western Civilization since 1750  
  • MUSI 4431 Methods & Mat. in Teaching Music, 7-12
  • NURS 4440 Application of Evidence Based Practice
  • PHED 3325 Instructional Design   
  • PHED 4410 Research Design Seminar   
  • POLI 3340 Political Science Research Methods   
  • PSYC 3390 Foundations of Psychology   
  • SFTY 3300 Industrial Hygiene/Practices    
  • SOCY 4470 Sociological Theory   
  • SPAN 3301 Spanish Composition & Conversation I  
  • THEA 3340 Theatre History I   
  • THEA 3341 Theatre History II   
  • THEA 3350 Children’s Drama   
  • THEA 3375 Development of Dramatic Art