Fairmont State BOG approves University’s Presidential Search Committee
The Fairmont State University Board of Governor’s met on Thursday, September 15, approving the slate of members presented to serve on the University’s Presidential Search Committee.
The Presidential Search Committee will be chaired by board members Jennifer Kinty and Kevin Rogers. Fairmont State University Faculty Senate President, Charles Shields, will also tri-chair the committee.
During the meeting, Kinty explained the process the chairs have followed while working to establish the Presidential Search Committee.
“The first step was deciding how big of a committee we wanted,” Kinty said. “We wanted one that was big enough to be effective, yet not one so large that decisions couldn’t be made.”
The committee is comprised of individuals from the campus and surrounding communities including members of the board, students, faculty, staff and local community and business stakeholders.
Additional committee representatives will include Rusty Hutson (BOG chairman), Raymond Alvarez (faculty), Melissa Eades (faculty), Holly Fluharty (staff), Donna Trickett (staff), Ally Quigley (student), Mercedes Goff (student), Kevin Wilfong (Fairmont State Foundation), Rae Dyer (Fairmont State Foundation), Porter Stiles (Fairmont State Alumni Association), Kris Cinalli (local government representative) and Tina Shaw (local business representative).
“We attempted to get a broad experience base, as far as, whether these people had experience in industry, experience in maybe athletics, experience maybe in local government,” Kinty continued. “We tried to dig deeper into just not names and not popularity, but what these people bring forward.”
Kinty noted the search committee will be invited to engage in committee meetings following the approval from the board.
The search committee was established following the board’s vote to end former University president Mirta Martin’s contract, effective July 18, 2022. Former Fairmont State University Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost, Dianna Phillips, currently serves as the University’s interim president.
The University began the process of a national presidential search RFP in early September and has narrowed the search to three vendors. As the search process continues, the announcement of a search timeline and on-campus interviews with potential candidates will take place.
Information regarding the presidential search and committee meetings will be posted at www.fairmontstate.edu/presidentialsearch as details become available.
Board of GovernorsJennifer KintyKevin RogersCharles ShieldsPresidential SearchRusty HutsonRaymond AlvarezMelissa EadesHolly FluhartyDonna TrickettAlly QuigleyMercedes GoffKevin WilfongRae DyerPorter StilesKris CinalliTina Shaw