Peace Corps Volunteer to Discuss Service to Rwanda
Recent Fairmont State University graduate, Kurtis Dennison, will be leading a session on his experience with the Peace Corps at 2 p.m. Friday, Sept. 22, in Multimedia A in the Ruth Ann Musick Library.
After graduating in 2014 with a degree in theatre arts, Dennison served with AmeriCorps Energy Express and AmeriCorps VISTA to develop community theater activities in Grafton, West Virginia. He went on to volunteer with the Peace Corps, serving in Rwanda from 2015 through 2017.
While in Rwanda, Dennison would use drama as a tool for teaching and behavior change in his community, focusing on HIV prevention, malaria prevention, peer pressure and creating a reading culture. Now that his Peace Corps service is complete, Dennison is back in the United States before returning to the capital of Rwanda, Kigali, to work with an arts organization.
This session is free and open to the public.
Peace CorpsCommunication & Theatre ArtsDepartment of TheatreDepartment of Communication and Theatre Arts