"Fantastical Imagery" on Display in Downtown Fairmont
In collaboration with the Fairmont State University School of Fine Arts and the Fairmont Community Development Partnership’s Business Excelerator, FSU Gallery Management students present an exhibition titled “Fantastical Imagery” at Gallery 517, 517 Fairmont Ave.
FSU Gallery Management students Lila Rocovich, Loraine Smith and Sofia Graziano have curated the new show curating work that focuses on exaggerating the elements of art and design by students and alumni.
Gallery 517, which is an FSU student driven gallery space, does not have set hours. Those who would like to visit should contact Andrea Salina at (304) 614-2247. Admission is free and open to the public. The exhibit is now open, and a reception is planned for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22.
The call for art encompassed a wide variety of work that focuses on the elements essential to being successful in art and design. Work selected for the exhibit promotes a focus on one or more of these principles and pushing that fundamental to the extreme such as color, shape and many others. The pieces on show at Gallery 517 are intended to overwhelm the senses with visual information and saturation by pushing these core concepts that students learn early in their career as artists to the extreme. Artists included are Jessica DeBerry, Anna Wyont, Loraine Smith, Amanda Jo Marino, Hannah Lenhart, Lila Rocovich and many other Fairmont State students.
For more information, contact Loraine Smith at lsmith32@students.fairmontstate.edu or visit the Fairmont State University Visual Arts Facebook page.
About the photo:
Artist: Loraine Smith
“untitled,” 2015
School of Fine ArtsGallery ManagementFairmont Community Development PartnershipArt