Students and Faculty Participate in Make Marion County Shine
Apr 08, 2013
Fairmont State University was proud to participate in the Make Marion County Shine initiative and partner with Main Street Fairmont with a clean-up of Locust Avenue on Saturday, April 6. The team of 18 students, faculty, staff and community members picked up 48 bags of trash in four hours. Participating students represented the Occupational Safety program, Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice Honor Society), S.T.A.N.D., Tau Kappa Epsilon and Student Government. The Office of Institutional Advancement and Physical Plant also supported the initiative.
Make Marion County Shineoccupational safetyCollege of Science and TechnologyS.T.A.N.D.Tau Kappa EpsilonStudent GovernmentAlpha Phi SigmaCommunity ServiceOffice of Student ActivitiesCollege of Liberal ArtsCriminal Justice