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Three Honored at Women of Color Luncheon Impact
Fairmont State News

Three Honored at Women of Color Luncheon

May 08, 2009

Three outstanding community members were honored Tuesday, April 21, during the Fairmont State University and Pierpont Community & Technical College Women of Color Luncheon.

The event, sponsored by the FSU Office of Student Affairs, is intended to honor those who have shown a commitment to treating everyone equally and who celebrate diversity. Laurie Johnston, Director of Student Activities, served as emcee for the event.

Speaker for the luncheon was Rev. Laverna Horton, who has been a minister for six years. She said she loves working in the church with the women's ministry and Sunday school.  Married to Timothy Horton for 58 years, she has seven children, 19 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. She holds a degree from the College of West Virginia in behavioral/social sciences and worked several years as a social worker.

Elaine Reynolds introduced community honoree Ida Starks, who thanked Vice President for Student Affairs Michael Belmear and FSU for the award.

"I've only done what the Lord called me to do. I love people and I love young kids. We need more young people to get involved and to make a place for our young people besides the street. We need to learn how to be in worship and service to one another," Starks said.

Dr. Nancy Cheshire, Professor of Early Childhood Education for Pierpont, introduced the staff honoree, Sandra Petry.  

Petry was the first teacher for Pierpont's Laboratory Preschool in the Education Building on the main campus and has been a model early childhood teacher for students, faculty, parents and campus visitors. She began as a classified staff employee, but she continued her education to become an Early Childhood faculty member.

"Sandy is a role model for how we should interact with each other at the work place and in our daily lives. Today we honor a star on our campus," Cheshire said. "We honor an individual who shines to make this world a better place. We honor a woman who demonstrates strength, integrity and humility. We honor a woman who truly demonstrates servant leadership. This is an individual who raised three beautiful children, but continues to make her love for children the center of her work. To all students she demonstrates patience, respect and caring. Her love for others shines through in all she does."

Petry's coworkers say they have watched her face personal challenges with courage, perseverance and strength. 

"I am totally humbled by this," Petry said. "I'm used to the little ones giving me my reward."

Michael Belmear, Vice President for Student Affairs, introduced and presented student Victor Bradford with the Horace and Geraldine Belmear Outstanding Academic Student Award, named for his parents.

Bradford, a safety engineering major at FSU, has earned a 3.45 GPA and is a quarterback for the Fighting Falcons football team and a residence life assistant. His parents, Victor Sr. and Zena Bradford, and his sister, Victori, traveled from Maryland to see him receive his award.

"I would like to dedicate this award to my parents who have supported me," Bradford said. "They drove four hours to be here today and 13 hours to see one of my football games. My parents have always taught me to prioritize. They taught me time management in school."

Many attending the luncheon also recognized the efforts of Persis Bates, Special Events Coordinator, who planned the event for several years and recently moved on to a new job at another college. Horton, who served as the speaker, is Bates' grandmother.

"Persis successfully planned and organized the Luncheon for the past few years, adding new vitality and interest along the way. She always brought captivating speakers and award winners to the event, and this year's lineup was no exception," said Laurie Johnston.

"We were sad to say goodbye to Persis, as she is now working in the Multicultural Affairs Department at Frederick Community College in Maryland, but we know she is continuing to represent her alma mater, FSU, respectfully and with poise. She reports back to us that she is very happy already in her new work environment and knows that her years as a student and employee at FSU prepared her for the new challenges."

Pictured from left to right are honorees Victor Bradford, Sandra Petry and Ida Starks.