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Chemistry Students Make National Presentations Impact
Fairmont State News

Chemistry Students Make National Presentations

Jan 10, 2008

A group of Fairmont State University chemistry students and professors presented research during a national American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting they attended in Boston.

Participating were chemistry students Holly Debolt from Fairmont, Jordan Moran from Grafton, Adrienne Riggi from Fairmont and Greg Donohoe from Clarksburg and Professor of Chemistry Dr. Erica Harvey and Assistant Professor of Chemistry Andreas Baur.

Faculty development funds, a NASA grant to the FSU College of Science and Technology for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) programs and student grants from local and national ACS sections provided the funding.

The following presentations were made by those attending from FSU: "Simultaneous assessment of students and courses through outcome mastery data" by Debolt, Harvey and Baur; "Electronic quizzes for quantum chemistry" by Harvey and Dr. Theresa Julia Zielinski, Professor of Chemistry at Monmouth University; "Fairmont State University chemistry in the community" by students Stephanie Boblett, Moran, Megan Damm, Jennifer Charlile and Baur and FSU Professor of Chemistry Dr. Matthew Scanlon; and "Determination of homocysteine levels in endothelial and stromal cell cultures of HPLC" by students Riggi, Donohoe, Zachary Brewer, Temporary Research Assistant Bonnie Freeman, FSU Professor of Biology Mark Flood, FSU Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Sarah Dodson and Baur.