FS Debaters Place in Tower Invitational
The Fairmont State Debate Team participated in the Tower Invitational held Jan. 27-28
on the campus of Eastern Michigan University in Ypsialnti, Mich.
Eighteen schools from around the country participated in the tournament. They included
Kent State University, Marshall University, Ohio State, Ohio University, University
of Michigan, University of West Florida, Wayne State and Western Kentucky University.
Members of the debate team who attended the tournament are Chris Sharps from Peytona;
Heather Musgrove from Fairmont; Sandra Ramirez of New York City; Terry Meeks from
Barackville; and Dusty Van Pelt from Katy.
The team placed fifth in Lincoln Douglas sweepstakes points. Sharps was a quarterfinalist
and the third-place speaker. The team debated the National Forensic Association 2005-06
resolution: "Resolved that the United States federal government should adopt a policy
to increase human rights in one or more of the following nations: Tibet, Bhutan, Afghanistan,
Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines and/or Pakistan."
The team is coached by Kim Korcsmaros. For more information, e-mail her at kkorcsmaros@fairmontstate.edu.