Piano Camp Registrations Being Accepted Now
Registrations are now being accepted for the Fairmont State Community Music Program's
12th annual Piano Camp, to be held June 13-17. Registrations will be accepted until
June 12.
Piano Camp is for ages 6-8 (Explorers who have had no previous piano background)
and for ages 8-high school (who have had at least one year of experience), beginner
through advanced. Explorer Camp meets daily from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Regular Piano
Camp meets daily from 9:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Campers will be using the FS music department
computer lab for piano software. Piano camp is housed in the Fairmont State University
School of Fine Arts, Wallman Hall.
Guest artists' performances, piano ensembles, sight reading, rhythmic reading, work
in the piano laboratory, exploratory theory, piano history and legends of the piano
will be a part of the camp.
The camp is under the direction of Nancy Bird, CMP Piano Teacher, assisted by Natalie
Camele Buckley, also of the CMP piano faculty. Early registrations are encouraged.
Call (304) 366-3758 for more information.