MLK Jr. Essay Contest Participants Honored
The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Awards Banquet will honor area sixth- through
eighth-graders who have participated in an essay contest titled "Martin Luther King
Jr. and My Life."
During the event, planned for 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 20, at Colebank Hall on the FS
main campus, the three contest winners will be named. The first-place winner will
receive $500, the second-place winner will receive $250 and the third-place winner
will receive $100. The essays have been judged by faculty members of the FS School
of Language & Literature. The contest is sponsored by the Fairmont State Office of
Student Affairs and Office of Multicultural Affairs.
"I want people to think about Martin Luther King Jr. Day as more than just getting
the day off because of some guy named Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.," said Michael Belmear,
Vice President for Student Affairs. "I want people to think about who he was, what
he did and what ramifications his efforts have for us today. There should be more
awareness about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."
Also attending the banquet will be the Milford Mill Academy Choir from Baltimore,
Md. The 63 choir members will visit the FS campus Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 19
and 20, and then will sing several musical selections at the banquet.
For more information, call (304) 367-4215.