HAPPY HOLIDAYS — Fairmont State University is closed for Winter Break
Happy Holidays from Fairmont State University. The University is closed from 4 p.m.
Friday, December 20 through Thursday, January 2. Fairmont State will reopen on Friday,
January 3.
The Advisory Board is a standing body, not an ad hoc group, assembled for specific
projects and input.
The Advisory Board is assembled by the partnership director and will be a representative
group consisting of CoEHHP faculty, Arts and Sciences faculty, principals, cooperating
teachers and site coordinators. If possible all five counties will be represented
and each developmental level (elementary, middle and high).
The Advisory Board will meet periodically, as much as two times per semester or as
infrequently as once per semester.
Functions of the Advisory Board
Examine important issues facing the partnership, public school placements and accreditation
information and decisions.
Provide input on the budget each year in advance of its submission to the WV Department
of Education.
Continually assess and revise accordingly, the performance of the PDS Partnership
and College of Education, Health and Human Performance with respect to communication,
decision-making, and sharing ideas.
Undertake discussions as to the goals and future of the Partnership.
Develop and implement a strategy for involvement of all stakeholders, including but
not limited to County Superintendents, Boards of Education, College Dean, FSU President
and Provost, etc.