Greek Life Recruitment Impact

Greek Life Recruitment

Interested in Greek Life?

Joining a Greek chapter can get you connected to a large network of lifelong brothers or sisters who can help you along your way. We currently have six social Greek Life chapters: three sororities and three fraternities. Two of our chapters (one sorority and one fraternity) are historically Black chapters with a tie to Black heritage and culture but are open to all. We encourage you to consider all of your chapter options to find the best fit for you. 

Please contact Student Activities ( if you have any questions about Greek Life.

Another great way to get connected to the chapters is through Instagram!

  • Fairmont State Greek Life: @FairmontStateGL
  • Delta Xi Omicron sorority: @deltaxiomicron
  • Delta Zeta sorority: @fairmont_dz
  • Zeta Phi Beta sorority: @thefairmontstatezetas
  • Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity: @pimualphas
  • Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity: @tke_fairmont_state