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Business Boot Camp' Aids Small Business Owners Impact
Fairmont State News

Business Boot Camp' Aids Small Business Owners

Jun 30, 2005

Going into business today can be difficult and demanding. Most businesses fail from lack of planning and proper development. The West Virginia Small Business Development Center is offering a class to help potential and existing business owners plan for their business.

This workshop, titled "Business Boot Camp" is an eight-day classroom series designed to teach small business owners how to develop one of the necessary tools to stay in business -- a business plan. Utilizing a structured course approach, called NxLevel for Entrepreneurs, individuals are able to develop a working business plan for their business and use the techniques learned to grow for the future

The workshop is scheduled for July 26 to Aug. 18 at the Fairmont State Gaston Caperton Center, 501 North Main St., Room 136, Clarksburg. Classes will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The total cost for the workshop is $450 per person for the eight-day session and includes workbooks and materials.

Created as part of a joint agreement with the Veterans' Administration as a tool to help veterans who are looking to start a new business, the workshop is also open to the general public, new and mature businesses.

Service members and veterans have an opportunity to use their education benefits for entrepreneurship training. This course is approved for eligible service members and veterans to use Veterans Affairs education benefits. They may receive reimbursement for this course if they are eligible for any of these VA Education Programs:
* Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty
* Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve
* Veterans' Educational Assistance Program
* Section 903 of Public Law 96-342
To apply for benefits, visit and click on Electronic Application form.

This training session is open to the public and is being conducted by the Fairmont State Community & Technical College Regional Small Business Development Center. To register online, visit and click on Training and Workshop Calendar. Navigate on the calendar to July 26 and register online. Seating is limited. Participants should register by July 19. Prepayment is required.

The SBDC is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration though such funding does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement of any of the co-sponsors or participants opinions, products or services. All SBDC workshops are co-sponsored by the West Virginia Development Office. Special arrangements for the handicapped can be made by contacting the SBDC at (304) 367-4920, at least one week in advance.