Fairmont State employees gather to kick off the fall semester at Opening Session
On Monday, August 1, Fairmont State University faculty and staff gathered in the Falcon Center for the annual Opening Session and Welcome Breakfast to kick off the new academic year.
“We have much work to do but I’d like us to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the fact that we’re here, together, taking another step as a community of colleagues toward a shared future,” said Fairmont State University Interim President, Dianna Phillips. “That’s worth celebrating because we’ve been through a lot these past few years – we’ve not only had to navigate COVID, but also changes in academic programming, staffing and leadership.”
After breakfast was served, campus leadership provided updates for the upcoming academic year and discussed how this year compares to the previous. Post-pandemic obstacles and hopes for the year to come were primary topics of discussion during the ceremony. Deans and department leaders also introduced new faculty and staff to the campus community.
“I want Fairmont State University to be a lively and happy place to work. I want the campus atmosphere to reflect the way I feel as I look out at you all right now: uplifted and inspired,” Phillips continued. “We are a community of dedicated, passionate, hard-working education professionals. We have the opportunity – and responsibility – to rejuvenate ourselves and Fairmont State University, and I look forward to sharing this journey of discovery, reflection and renewal with you.”
Faculty and staff will continue to look ahead to the upcoming fall semester throughout the week at campus professional development activities, with the University’s move-in and Welcome Weekend to follow beginning on Thursday, August 4.
Welcome Weekend activities will take place through Sunday, August 7, some of which include Convocation, a Campus Picnic and Community Resource Fair, the Back to School Bash, Fairmont State Day of Action, among several others. Welcome Weekend will conclude with fall semester classes slated to begin on Monday, August 8.
Welcome WeekendFall Semester Opening CeremoniesDr. Dianna PhillipsFall 2022 Semester