Academy for the Arts and Town & Gown offer audition opportunities for upcoming musicals
Fairmont State University Academy for the Arts, in collaboration with the Town & Gown Players, are hosting auditions for productions of Shrek The Musical Junior and a co-produced performance of Matilda The Musical. Children in grades K-12 are invited to audition for Shrek The Musical Junior, while children in grades 4 -12 and adults are eligible to audition for Matilda The Musical.
Auditions are being held as follows:
- Shrek The Musical Junior – through Wednesday, March 9
- Matilda The Musical Dance Auditions – Thursday, March 10
- Matilda The Musical Adult Auditions – Sunday, March 13
Those wishing to participate must sign up online for an available audition window by visiting the Academy for the Arts Facebook event page. Specific registration instructions and links will be provided under each audition event listing.
K – 12 students auditioning should prepare one memorized musical theatre song, consisting of 16 – 32 bars. Those auditioning are also asked to provide sheet music for the audition accompanist. In addition, a one-minute memorized comedic monologue and one memorized joke are required. Adults auditioning for Matilda The Musical should plan for cold readings at auditions with a script to be provided. Adults are also asked to prepare 16 – 32 bars of a memorized musical theatre song with sheet music to be provided for the accompanist. Audition songs and monologues cannot be from Matilda The Musical or Shrek The Musical Junior.
Show performances for Shrek The Musical Junior are set for May 12 – 15 with two added school day performances to be announced soon. Matilda The Musical performances will take place June 17 – 19 and June 23 – 26.
For further information, contact
Fairmont State University Academy for the ArtsTown & Gown PlayersShrek The Musical JuniorMatilda The Musical