Goldberg Receives Inaugural Francis H. Pierpont Visionary Award
Fairmont State University Board of Governors Chairman, David Goldberg, was named the inaugural recipient of the Francis H. Pierpont Visionary Award at the Marion County Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner on Wednesday, August 11.
“Chairman Goldberg is a dear member of our Falcon Family and an invaluable colleague,” said Fairmont State University President, Mirta M. Martin. “He has provided remarkable leadership on the Board of Governors, and has also established himself a leader and a true pillar within our communities. I can think of no one other more deserving of this inaugural award, and we are honored to serve Fairmont State alongside him.”
The award was unveiled to honor Francis H. Pierpont and to recognize an individual within the community who exemplifies the qualities of his namesake.
“Shaping the future, working hard and never forgetting your roots are all part of the needed qualities for tonight’s award,” said Marion County Chamber Board Member, Mary Jo Thomas, while presenting the award. “The recipient, a West Virginian by choice, is truly a visionary.”
Goldberg was recognized for his commitment and dedication to north central West Virginia through service as the Mon Health System president and CEO, Fairmont State University Board of Governors chairman, among membership to several other boards and committees and, most recently, a 2021 Marion County Dancing with the Stars contestant.
"Since coming home to West Virginia, the welcoming and support from the community—especially Marion County and the Falcon Family has been so appreciated," Goldberg said. "Noel and I love our chosen adopted home and look forward to doing our part to keep West Virginia moving. Fairmont State is an outstanding university and I am honored to be an adopted Falcon."
Francis H. Pierpont Visionary AwardMarion County Chamber of CommerceFairmont State University Board of GovernorsDavid GoldbergMirta MartinMary Jo Thomas