Fairmont State University Faculty, Staff Join for Annual Opening Ceremonies
Fairmont State University administration, faculty and staff gathered Monday morning to jump start the academic year with the annual Fall Semester Opening Ceremonies and Employee Welcome Breakfast.
“To all of our returning Falcon Family, I wish to say welcome back to another exciting academic year. It is good to be able to finally see each other,” Fairmont State University President, Mirta M. Martin, told those in attendance. “To our new faculty and staff, you’re now part of a great, large family – the Falcon Family. Welcome home!”
Throughout the morning, members of campus leadership updated employees on what to expect throughout the academic year and new faculty members were introduced by their respective deans. The campus community also took time to reflect on the challenges that were overcome over the last year and a half.
“This past year has been unprecedented; many would call it historic,” said President Martin. “And what this University – our University – accomplished, well, it’s truly incredible. It’s unprecedented, and we did it by putting aside our differences, by rallying around each other, and around our students, to accomplish what many thought was unsurmountable, perhaps, even impossible. Last year, we were successful because we came together as a family. This year, we will be successful because we are a family.”
With the start of the fall semester just around the corner, students will spend the next several days moving into residence halls and transitioning back to campus life through a variety of Welcome Week activities such as trivia nights, a scavenger hunt, a cornhole tournament, a s’mores social, outdoor yoga, paint nights and much more. Classes are set to begin Monday, August 9.
Fall Semester Opening CeremoniesWelcome WeekMirta MartinFall 2021