Board of Governors approves academic restructure
During today’s bi-monthly meeting, the Fairmont State University Board of Governors approved a proposed academic restructure that will reorganize the current two college and four school model to a two college model. The proposal now goes before the West Virginia HEPC and then on to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
“This new structure will allow us the resources and opportunities needed to serve our students in a continued tradition of excellence and innovation,” said Fairmont State Provost Richard Harvey. “Our structure has not been looked at in over ten years, which is far too long. Moving forward we anticipate frequent analysis and adjustments as needed.”
The proposed restructure is the result of a task force that included faculty members from throughout the institution. Members were: Bill Harrison (Chair), Michael Ransom, Denice Kirchoff, Adam Podlaskowski, Sharon Smith, Jason Bolyard, Joni Gray, Marcus Fisher and Erica Harvey.
“During the fall semester of 2018, the Task Force engaged in an inclusive and transparent process, responsive to faculty input,” said Chair Bill Harrison. “Following a period of weekly meetings, a presentation was made during the University Town Hall meeting on Oct. 23, discussions with academic units on campus, and information presented and collected at the January 15 Faculty Senate meeting.”
A final proposal was submitted to the University’s Executive Leadership Team and Faculty Senate. After additional edits, the final proposal went before the Board of Governors and was approved.
“The new structure better positions the institution for potential future growth and allows us to be more nimble and responsive to future opportunities.”
In the coming months, names of the schools and the academic structure within each school will be finalized. Pending approval, the restructure aims to be in effect for the fall 2020 semester.
Academic RestructureBoard of GovernorsDr. Richard HarveyDr. WIlliam Harrison