Fête de Noël a Musical Holiday Celebration at Fairmont State
The Fairmont State Department of Music will present the sixth-annual Fête de Noël holiday concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 1, Colebank Hall.
The concert will include performances by the Collegiate Singers, Chamber Choir, African Drum and Dance Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble. It will also feature solos by FSU music students and children from the FSU Academy for the Arts.
Donations for the Soup Opera will be accepted at the concert.
The Fête de Noël is filled with variety, including numerous holiday favorites.
“It is a wonderful program that we are proud to share each year with the Fairmont
community,” said Anne Patterson, coordinator of the Department of Music. “There is
sure to be something for everyone.
“We are also pleased to help Fairmont’s Soup Opera by collecting donations for their Christmas gift distribution at the concert.”
Audience members can donate new sweatshirts, toboggans, gloves, mittens, socks and toys, or make a cash donation.
Tickets are $10 for the general public, $5 for senior adults and FSU faculty/staff, and free for students and children. For tickets or more information, contact the Fairmont State box office at (304) 367-4240. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Fete de NoelCollegiate SingersChamber ChoirAfrican Drum and Dance Ensemble