Greek Life Participates in Snugs for Hugs Event
The Fairmont State University Office of Student Activities and Greek Life, in partnership with Fairmont Regional Medical Center, sponsored a philanthropy event supporting the American Cancer Society on Tuesday, March 21.
The event, Snugs for Hugs, gave participants the opportunity to make blankets for cancer patients. For every blanket made, $10 was donated to the American Cancer Society. At the end of the night, 62 blankets were made and $620 was raised.
“A very large portion of the attendance consisted of Greek Life and without their help and commitment this event would not have been as successful,” said Shawn Ragsdale, Coordinator of Student Activities and Greek Life, in a campus e-mail about the event.
FSU recognizes several social sorority and fraternity organizations on campus, all of which had representation at Snugs for Hugs.
“Community service is a big part of being in Greek Life. Each individual chapter has their own philanthropies and organizations they support locally and nationally, so it was nice for all of us to work together for one event. Not only did we raise money for this great cause, but it also brought us all closer together in a meaningful way,” said Rachel Ball, a member of Delta Zeta.
Greek LifeStudent ActivitiesRachel BallShawn RagsdaleSnugs for HugsFairmont Regional Medical Center