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Auditions Scheduled for FSU Performances of "To Kill a Mockingbird" Impact
Fairmont State News

Auditions Scheduled for FSU Performances of "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Mar 23, 2017

The Fairmont State University Town & Gown Summer Theatre has scheduled auditions for adults who would like to appear in “To Kill a Mockingbird” this summer at Prickett’s Fort State Park and in the fall on the main FSU campus.

Auditions will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, March 29 and 30, in Room 307 of Wallman Hall. Those who wish to audition should call (304) 367-4219 to sign up for an audition appointment. No singing or dance is required. Roles are available for those who are (or can play) someone older than 40. African-American actors older than 20 are needed. Auditioners may perform a monologue of up to one minute or will be asked to read scenes from the script. (Note: The show contains some language that is not considered proper by modern standards but was common during the 1935-1936 time period of the play.)

Performance dates will be June 16-25 at Prickett’s Fort State Park and Sept. 27 through Oct. 5 at Wallman Hall. The show is directed by Troy Snyder. For more information, e-mail

To Kill a MockingbirdTroy SnyderPrickett's Fort State ParkTown and Gown Summer TheatreSchool of Fine ArtsTheatreDepartment of Theatre and Communication