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FSU Counselors Participate in Alcohol and Sexual Violence Intervention Study Impact
Fairmont State News

FSU Counselors Participate in Alcohol and Sexual Violence Intervention Study

May 09, 2016

Fairmont State University is partnering with University of Pittsburgh and Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC on a college health center alcohol and sexual violence intervention study.

Nationally, issues of alcohol abuse and sexual violence are common among college students. In fact, the highest rates of rape and sexual assault are experienced by women ages 20 to 24, and many students come to college having already experienced some form of victimization. For this reason, in February providers and staff attended a training session led by Dr. Elizabeth Miller, Chief of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine and the Principal Investigator of the study and Laura Summers with Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR). 

The training informed FSU counselors on how to deliver a trauma-focused intervention to each individual they come into contact with during normal office visits. The trauma-focused intervention is called GIFTSS (Giving Information for Trauma Support and Safety). This training focuses on providing information and support for the patient whether the patient has experienced these issues personally or not. Individuals will receive a concise and discreet informational card allowing them to easily keep a copy of resources they can utilize or share with a friend.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) funds this research study which is being implemented in over 20 campuses across Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Recruitment is currently ongoing for FSU students seeking care at the counseling center. At the conclusion of the study, all results will be shared so that the information can be used to see what changes might be worthwhile to consider implementing permanently.

For more information about Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Children’s Hospital, visit

For more information about the Counseling Center at FSU, visit /studentservices/counseling-center/counseling-center.

University of PittsburghChildren’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMCCounseling CenterOffice of Disability ServicesAndrea Pammer