Academic Awards Celebration Schedule Announced
Apr 05, 2013
The end of the academic year is a time to celebrate the accomplishments of the students and faculty of Fairmont State University.
The six academic colleges and schools of the University are planning awards ceremonies to honor students. Following are the dates, times and locations for these events:
- School of Business Awards, 6 p.m., Friday, April 26, Falcon Center third floor conference rooms.
School of Fine Arts Awards, 3 p.m., Sunday, April 28, Falcon Center third floor
conference rooms.
College of Liberal Arts Awards, 5:30 p.m., Friday, May 3, Falcon Center third floor
conference rooms.
College of Science and Technology Awards, 6 p.m., Friday May 3, Room 305 of the
Engineering Technology Building.
School of Education, Health and Human Performance Awards, 5 p.m. Thursday, May 9,
Falcon Center third floor conference rooms.
- School of Nursing and Allied Health Administration Pinning and Awards, 7 p.m., Thursday, May 9, Feaster Center.