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Rose Honored by East Fairmont High School Foundation Impact
Fairmont State News

Rose Honored by East Fairmont High School Foundation

Oct 04, 2012

The East Fairmont High School Foundation honored Dr. Maria C. Rose, Fairmont State University President, during the Sept. 7 EFHS football game, which was played at Duvall-Rosier Field at FSU.

On the field, she received a congratulatory certificate on behalf of the Foundation in recognition of her FSU presidency from Foundation President Butch Phillips, pictured here.

Rose also attended State Street Elementary School and representatives of that school had a special presentation for her. A brick that was recovered from the school, which was closed and later demolished, was recovered and given to her.

“As an East Fairmont alumna, I am truly humbled to be honored by the East Fairmont High School Foundation,” Rose said. “As a proud member of the Class of 1966, I can say that the education I received at EFHS helped me build the foundation for my career and my life.”

In Rose’s honor, a four-year renewable scholarship will be awarded annually in the amount of $1,000 to an EFHS graduate who will attend FSU. The first scholarship will be awarded to a student in the spring.

“I know firsthand that education has the power to change lives,” Rose said. “This new scholarship will help pass the gift of education to future students.”

Butch PhillipsMaria RoseEast Fairmont High SchoolState Street Elementary School