"Punching Cattle on a Jackrabbit" Exhibit on Display in March
A new exhibit on display throughout March at Fairmont State University’s Brooks Gallery in Wallman Hall explores a local artist's perception of the peculiarities of American culture.
“Punching Cattle on a Jackrabbit” opens Thursday, March 1, with a 7 p.m. reception and talk by the artist, Véronique Côté. Admission is free and open to the public. The exhibition will be on display through March 31. Regular gallery hours are Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Special viewing arrangements may be made by calling or e-mailing Curator Marian J. Hollinger at (304) 367-4300 or mhollinger@fairmontstate.edu.
Côté, who is an adjunct faculty member in the FSU Department of Art, is French-Canadian and steeped in current theory and studio practice and offers her perspective on American art and culture.
“To the foreign eye, the mixture of traditionalism, corporate dominion, religious indoctrination and pop culture that shape American heritage is a truly surreal experience,” Côté said. “ ’Punching Cattle on a Jackrabbit’ looks at the way in which America, and to some extent the Western world, builds and catechizes culture through the creations of multiple vagaries: mixtures of cultural artifacts, traditions, stereotypes and bizarre humor. The association of objects and images such as Disney’s ‘Snow White’ characters, Mexican wrestlers, granny squares and toy soldiers, along with a panoply of woodland creatures brings a comical tone to a capricious appraisal of our contemporary culture of war, violence, capitalism and popular kitsch.”
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Brooks GalleryArtMarian HollingerSchool of Fine ArtsPunching Cattle on a JackrabbitVéronique Côté