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9/11 Essay Contest Sponsored by Student Government Impact
Fairmont State News

9/11 Essay Contest Sponsored by Student Government

Sep 09, 2011

In remembrance of the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, Student Government is sponsoring an essay contest. All Fairmont State University and Pierpont Community & Technical College students are eligible to enter.

The essay topic is "How is the 10 Year Anniversary of 9/11 significant?" Essay submissions should be sent by Friday, Sept. 16, to or

The top three essays will win a $100 shopping spree to the Campus Bookstore.

Following are contest guidelines:

9/11 Essay Guidelines

TOPIC : How is the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 significant?

Do not put any identifying information on or within your essay; your email or cover letter will be kept as record of the person submitting, but the judges of the essays will not know the identity of the writers. All essay submissions should be submitted by Friday, Sept. 16, to or

In the body of your email message, please include your Name and Phone number. Attach your essay to your email as a word document. If you prefer, you can deliver your printed essay to Sue Conrad in 304 Colebank Hall. If turning in a printed copy of your essay, please be sure to include a cover page with your name and phone number, so we know who wrote the essay. Use Microsoft Word: 12 Point Times New Roman font Length: Two pages, double spaced; one inch margins on all sides Do not include bullet points in the essay.

Judging Criteria: Organization, Development, Sentence Structure, Word Choice, Grammar Usage, Mechanics, Adherence to Topic.

Student Government