"Oksoberfest" Activities Mark Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Sexuality Awareness Week
Fairmont State University and Pierpont Community & Technical College students will observe Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Sexuality Awareness Week with a combination of events surrounding the theme, "Oksoberfest."
Students will hear from a variety of speakers and participate in a number of alcohol-free social activities featuring free food and prizes. An information booth sponsored by Alpha Sigma Tau will be located inside the first floor entrance of the Falcon Center through Thursday, Oct. 7, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. An information booth sponsored by the Gay/Straight Alliance will provide sexuality awareness information from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the second floor Main Street area of the Falcon Center through Thursday, Oct. 7.
Monday's events included a presentation by Pruntytown Correctional inmates titled "Fairmont State Story." Delta Xi Omicron sponsored the presentation.
Events for Tuesday, Oct. 5, include a mix-off from 7 to 8:30 p.m. emceed by WVAQ's Lacy Neff in Gym 1 of the Falcon Center. For the mix-off, which is sponsored by Student Government, student organizations compete to create the best tasting non-alcoholic drink. Winners of the "sober limbo contest" and the "obstacle course" will receive a free sweatshirt. Free refreshments and T-shirts will be available.
At noon on Wednesday, Oct. 6, there will be a drug sniffing dog presentation sponsored by Alpha Phi Sigma outside of the main entrance of the Falcon Center.
From noon to 1:15 pm. Thursday, Oct. 7, there will be an activity called BYOB (Bring Your Own Banana). Students will be given free ice cream sundaes courtesy of Sigma Sigma Sigma. Also, students will have the opportunity to try out "sobriety glasses," sponsored by Black Student Union. The glasses show the wearer how alcohol distorts a person's faculties. The winner of the obstacle course will receive a free sweatshirt.