Summer Day Camp for Kids Offered
This summer, for the first time, Fairmont State University will offer a Summer Day
Camp featuring four single-week, full-day sessions for children ages 6 to 12.
The four sessions will be offered June 16-July 11 at the Falcon Center on the Fairmont
State main campus. Activities will include sports, dance, arts and crafts, swimming
and recreation games. Activities will vary depending on the age level of the groups,
said Kevin Philyaw, Assistant Director of the Falcon Center.
“Our camp plans to offer various unique features that will make this a wonderful
experience for the boys and girls attending,” Philyaw said. “Regardless of the activity,
importance will be placed on the children having fun.”
Regular hours for the camp will be 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Extended hours will be 7 a.m.-5:30
p.m. For more information about the camp sessions contact Philyaw at (304) 368-7223
or by e-mail: More information is also available at