Student Written Play 'Amerika' Opens Oct. 25
The Fairmont State University School of Fine Arts and Masquers will present "Amerika:
An Immorality Play" on Thursday, Oct. 25, and Friday, Oct. 26, at 7:30 p.m. Both performances
will take place in the Studio Theater, Room 314, Wallman Hall.
The play was written by FSU student Steve McElroy. He has appeared in many plays
with the Fairmont State Masquers and Town & Gown Players. McElroy has written other
plays that have been performed at FSU and other venues, including "Title Pending."
"Amerika" is a short, one-act comedy that takes a quick look at politics from 1776
to 2007 and how the political parties have looked at issues throughout history. The
play points out the partisanship that is so prominent today. The audience will not,
however, get a dry look at the history of the United States. The play is satirical
in its comic verbal wit and farcical with its off beat characters and physicality.
The character American Dream, however, keeps us on track with what is important about
our country and its ideals. The play will resonate with current audiences because
of the political environment and the upcoming presidential election. Don't look for
the playwright to take sides -- both liberals and conservatives will be dealt with.
"Amerika" will be entered in the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival.
The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) is a national theater
program involving 18,000 students from colleges and universities nationwide which
has served as a catalyst in improving the quality of college theater in the United
States. The KCACTF has grown into a network of more than 600 academic institutions
throughout the country, where theater departments and student artists showcase their
work and receive outside assessment by KCACTF respondents.
"Amerika: An Immorality Play" is directed by FSU Fine Arts adjunct instructor Cathy
O'Dell. Cast members are Celi Oliveto as American Dream; Michael Vozniak as 1776;
Crystal Conner as Blue and Marc Cornes as Red. Brie Graziani will also appear as the
stage hand. There will be a short performance of Fine Arts Theatre and Communication
students who will be showcasing monologues and oral interpretations of literature
before "Amerika."
Both performances are free and open to the public. For more information, call (304)