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FSU President Honors Men's Golf Team Impact
Fairmont State News

FSU President Honors Men's Golf Team

Sep 18, 2007

Fairmont State University President Dan Bradley and his wife Cheri hosted a reception to honor the men's golf team on Sept. 5. The event was in recognition of the team's historic 2006-2007 season, which ended in May 2007 with an 18th place finish at the NCAA Division II National Championships in Allendale, Mich.

Team members Jon Burnside of Fairmont; Tyler Franklin of Ripley; Justin Caroli of Bridgeport; Zack Rudy of Fairmont; Will Gautreau of Niagra, Ontario; Jeff Cunningham of Parkersburg; and their families attended the reception at the Shaw House. Also present was new recruit Ben Palmer of Parkersburg.

"We're very proud of what you've done and how you've represented Fairmont State. We just want you to do it again," said Cheri Bradley.

"Thank you for everything you've done for Fairmont State. You've brought a lot of honor to us and have taken us to a higher level," said Athletic Director Rusty Elliott.

During the reception, coach Reid Amos presented the team members with medallions from the NCAA for their participation in the national championship.

"It was a phenomenal experience for everyone involved in our program. I am so proud of the committed effort the young men in our program made. For them to be rewarded for that is very special," Amos said. He also credited assistant coach Michael Walker as playing a role in the team's success.

Amos said last year's season meant even more to him because he started as coach the same year that Burnside and Franklin started as players. The two graduated in May 2007. Franklin will serve as an assistant coach for this season.

"I remember the three of us got into a team van (for the first tournament). Jon and Tyler had never been to a regional or championship, and we accomplished both in three years. Competing in a national championship was an appropriate way for them to end their careers," Amos said.

"Juniors Will Gautreau and Justin Caroli are back for their senior year, and Zack Rudy is a junior. We have brought in some outstanding new recruits such as Ben Palmer of Parkersburg. Our hope is to be competitive at the national level."

The team had its first tournament win of the regular season this week by defeating Clarion in a 5th score playoff in the Glenville State Autumn Classic. The Falcons improve their record to 26-2-1 (.923) with the victory.