Study the Italian Language
The West Virginia Folklife Center at Fairmont State University has declared the 2007-2008
academic year as "The Year of Italian Culture." As an extension of this theme, students
and the general public have the opportunity to take a class on the Italian language
at FSU.
Rose A. Mazza, adjunct instructor of Italian, will teach two sections of "Introduction
to Italian I" (INTR 1199) this fall. One section will be offered on Wednesdays from
6-8:50 p.m. at the Gaston Caperton Center in Clarksburg and the other will be offered
on Thursdays from 6-8:50 p.m. in Jaynes Hall on the main FSU campus. FSU students
may take the class for three hours of credit. Members of the general public who are
interested in taking the class will need to fill out an application for admission
as a non-degree seeking student. For more information, call the Student Services Center
at (304) 367-4892.
Mazza is a native speaker of Italian who was born in San Giovanni in Fiore, Calabrian
Region, Italy, and came to America with her family when she was an adolescent. A resident
of Clarksburg, she holds two master's degrees from West Virginia University, one in
foreign languages and the other in education. Besides being fluent in Italian, Mazza
speaks French and Spanish and has a special interest in Latin American literature.
Beginning in the fall 2008 semester, FSU students will also have an opportunity to
study for a semester in Italy, through a partnership and exchange program with the
University of Calabria in Consenza. To prepare for this study, students will be required
to participate in the Italian language class. For more information on the exchange
program, students should call the Office of Student Affairs at (304) 367-4215.