Student Juried Exhibition Winners Named
The Fairmont State University Chapter of Kappa Pi, international honorary art fraternity,
held the opening reception of its annual Juried Student Exhibition on April 17. The
juror, from Washington and Jefferson College, was art faculty member Patrick Schmidt.
Awards were presented during the reception. Winners were Andrew Smith (painting, Jaci);
Chelsey Adams (ceramics, La Communauté); Holly Groves (photography, Northern West
Virginia Heritage); Laura Evert (sculpture, Pencil Chair); Matthew Rutherford (mixed
media - drawing, The Universe); School of Fine Arts Dean's Award, Matthew Rutherford
(The Universe); Timothy Clayton Memorial Award, Trevor Oxley; and Best in Show, Miles
Holbert (ceramics, Untitled).
After the awards were announced, new Kappa Pi members were inducted into the chapter.
The exhibition will remain in the Tower Room of Wallman Hall through Friday, April
27. Regular viewing hours are Mondays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission
is free and open to the public.