Education Job Fair Set for March 21
Fairmont State students, alumni and members of the community interested in employment
in education are invited to meet with representatives at the annual Education Job
Fair. Elementary, secondary and MAT education students (who graduated in December
2006 or will graduate in May 2007) and alumni are invited to attend.
The event sponsored by the Office of Career Services, will be held on Wednesday, March
21, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Gym 1 of the Falcon Center.
The first hour of the fair will consist of an open forum for candidates to submit
resumes and schedule interviews for the afternoon session. The morning hours of the
fair will consist of an open forum allowing students and alumni the opportunity to
gather career and employment related information from employers, as well as the opportunity
to submit their resume for interview consideration. The open forum will allow employers
the opportunity to pre-screen and schedule one-on-one interview sessions during the
afternoon hours of the fair.
For the most up-to-date list of participating schools, visit or call Career Services at (304) 367-4214.