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Healthy Habits Fair Set for Oct. 19 Impact
Fairmont State News

Healthy Habits Fair Set for Oct. 19

Oct 17, 2006

The West Virginia Healthy Start/Helping Appalachian Parents and Infants Project and Pierpont Community & Technical College of Fairmont State University are sponsoring a Healthy Habits Fair from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 19, at Fairmont State's Colebank Gymnasium.

The public, the campus community and area families are invited to attend the event, which will feature valuable free information and materials as well as door prizes and delicious and healthy snacks.

"This is an event that will focus on ways to have a healthy pregnancy in the near or distant future," Ron Weist, Director of Community Education, Pierpont C&TC Center for Workforce Education, said. "Information will be presented on preconception planning, healthy habits, nutrition, prenatal testing, newborn screening and vaccinations. The March of Dimes will also present information on premature birth."

Other areas to be covered include massage therapy, acupuncture, voter registration, breast cancer education, smoking cessation, carbon monoxide monitoring, information on domestic violence and sexual assault, provided by HOPE, Inc., height and weight measurements and cholesterol, blood pressure and bone density screenings.

This public service event is being held in conjunction with "Premature Birth"¦Understanding the Impact of Stress During Pregnancy: Implementing Strategies to Support Positive Outcomes." More than 200 health professionals, health educators are expected to attend this summit, which will also be held on the main campus of Fairmont State.