Community Music Registration Is Aug. 26
Fall semester registration for private and class music instruction with the Community
Music Program at Fairmont State University will be held Saturday, Aug. 26, in Room
304 of Wallman Hall on the main campus from 10 a.m. to noon.
Students may register to study private piano, voice, guitar, strings, woodwinds, brass
and percussion. Piano class instruction is available, in addition to private piano
instruction, for those ages 6 to 8 who have not had previous piano experience.
Those interested in registering should register in person. Mailed registrations are
accepted upon request. Registration payments may be by check, cash or charge and can
be done in installments.
Levels of instruction offered range from beginner to advanced, for ages 5 through
adult. All teachers have degrees in teaching specializing in their area of expertise.
Call or e-mail Director Anne Schooley at (304) 366-3758 or