FSC&TC Faculty Members Honored
Three Fairmont State Community & Technical College faculty members were honored at
the recent Academic Awards Banquet.
All of these awards are made possible through gifts made in support of faculty development
to the Fairmont State Foundation, Inc.
Thomas A. Stose, Associate Professor of Aviation Technology, has been named the recipient
of the fifth annual Paul E. Edwards Award for Teaching Excellence. Adjunct faculty
member Peggy A. Vitarelli received the Rousseau-Wolfe Award for Adjunct Faculty Member
of the Year. Dr. Gerald "Jerry" Bacza, Chair, School of Business, Aviation and Technology
and Coordinator and Professor of Drafting & Design, was presented with the Excellence
in Academic Advising Award.
Each year the Faculty Development Committee recognizes an FSC&TC faculty member who
devotes an inordinate amount of time and energy to both professional and student development
by bestowing the Paul E. Edwards Award for Teaching Excellence, which is named in
honor of Dr. Paul E. Edwards, former Provost of FSC&TC.
Thomas A. Stose has served as an FSC&TC faculty member since 1996. Raised in Ohio,
Stose received a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Sciences from Ohio State
University. He received a Master of Science degree in Industrial Science from Colorado
State University. He earned his pilot's license while at Ohio State and, also as an
undergraduate, was inducted into the Epsilon Phi Tau honorary fraternity. As a graduate
student, Stose was inducted into the honorary educational fraternity Phi Delta Kappa.
He has worked in general aviation in both the fixed and rotary wing areas. He has
a background working on all types of aircraft and has been trained in transport category
aircraft and has had hangar floor experience on heavy aircraft.
In his position at the Robert C. Byrd National Aerospace Education Center, Stose
teaches courses in both the two-year and four-year degree programs in technology and
administration. At the NAEC, he has served on the following committees: Accreditation,
Aircraft Acquisition, Curriculum, Facilities and Special Projects. He has also served
on the following Fairmont State committees: Faculty Selection (Graphic Arts), Committee
on Committees, Faculty Welfare and Curriculum. Special duties he has assumed at Fairmont
State include Alpha Eta Rho advisor, aviation industry field trip advisor, Science
Fair judge, Federal Aviation Administration Inspection Authorization presenter, NAEC
open house facilitator and GEAR-UP and Young Eagle Introduction to Flight participant.
Stose has been active for many years with the Aviation Technician Education Council's
Board of Directors. He has served on most of its major committees and has helped facilitate
the ATEC National Conference for many years. He currently chairs the Instructional
Materials Committee and Government Relations Committee. Stose holds a Private Pilot's
License and Airframe and Powerplant license and works with the FAA as an Aviation
Safety Counselor.
Adjunct faculty members help to deliver higher education both on campus and throughout
the college's 13-county service area. They hold academic credentials comparable to
full-time faculty, plus they bring the benefits of on-going work experience in the
areas in which they teach. Peggy A. Vitarelli exemplifies the adjunct faculty member
at FSC&TC. The Rousseau-Wolfe Adjunct Faculty Award is named in honor of Roger Rousseau
and Marilyn Wolfe, two very dedicated former FSC&TC employees.
She has worked as a professional counselor in public schools, mental health facilities
and in domestic violence centers. She is a member of numerous local boards, clubs
and organizations that focus on mental health, and she is active in professional organizations.
She holds an A.A. in Psychology from FSC&TC, a B.S. in Psychology from FSU, an M.A.
in Guidance and Counseling from West Virginia University and 29 post graduate hours
in Psychology and Education. She has been an adjunct faculty member at FSC&TC for
a number of years.
The Excellence in Academic Advising Award is presented to honor demonstrated excellence
and commitment exhibited by academic advisors and to highlight the important role
each plays in the education, personal development and success of their advisees. The
Academic Advising Council solicited nominations to be received, and awards given,
to honor excellence in academic advising for FSC&TC.
Dr. Gerald Bacza began his career with Fairmont State in 1981. In addition to his
administrative, teaching and advising roles, he continues to serve on the Industrial
Advisory Committee, Athletic Committee, Facilities and Equipment Committee and Academic
Computing Committee. He also has an impressive resume of consulting and training experiences
within business and industry throughout his career.
Bacza received a bachelor's degree from California State College and a master's degree
and doctorate from WVU. He taught at Central Michigan University for two years before
coming to Fairmont State in 1981. He teaches drafting and design.