Town & Gown Auditions Announced
Fairmont State University's Town & Gown Players will soon be holding auditions for
their summer 2006 musical, Rodger's and Hammerstein's "The Sound of Music." One of
the best loved musicals of all time, "The Sound of Music" ran for over 2,000 performances
in its original run on Broadway, and then was made into the unforgettable classic
movie starring Julie Andrews.
Adult auditions will be held in Wallman Hall on the FS campus at 6 p.m. on Tuesday
and Wednesday, March 28 and 29. Those auditioning will be asked to bring two copies
of the sheet music with them and sing a prepared up-tempo song. An accompanist will
be provided. Call back auditions will be held on Thursday, March 30.
Auditions for the Von Trapp Children will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
April 3, 4 and 5. Those auditioning will be asked to sing an up-tempo song, learn
a short dance routine and tell a short joke or story. Those auditioning should bring
two copies of their sheet music. An accompanist will be provided.
Appointments must be made for audition times by calling the Fine Arts office at (304)
367-4203. Those auditioning may sign up for times in 30 minute blocks. The final auditions
will end between 9 and 9:30 p.m.
The directors will be casting 30 to 40 roles, including Maria Rainer, the Mother
Abbess, 12 to 15 nuns, Captain Von Trapp, Max Detweiler, eight to 10 men's choral
parts and eight young persons ages 17 to 5.
The production will be directed by Troy Snyder, who directed last summer's successful
run of "Always" Patsy Cline." Dr. Valarie Huffman will serve as musical director.
Professional vocalist Stephanie Adlington will be the vocal coach.
The dates of production will be July 14-16 and 21-23, and the shows will be performed
at the amphitheatre at Prickett's Fort State Park.
For more information, contact Director Troy Snyder at