Debate Team Places in Tournament at Shepherd
The Fairmont State Intercollegiate Debate Team participated in the West Virginia Intercollegiate
Forensic Association Championship Tournament held Feb. 24 and 25 on the campus of
Shepherd University.
The team took first place honors in debate sweepstakes. Chris Sharps was the first
place speaker and a semifinalist. Terry Meeks, a junior sociology major from Barrackville,
was the second place debater, who made it to the final round. Team captain Chris Sharps,
is a senior oral communication major from Peytona, W.Va.
The team debated the National Forensic Association 2005-06 resolution: "Resolved
that the United States federal government should adopt a policy to increase human
rights in one or more of the following nations: Tibet, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Nepal,
Myanmar, Thailand, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines and/or Pakistan."
Also participating in the tournament were Christina Cottrill, Stephen Sundahl and
Dusty Van Pelt. The team is coached by Kim Korcsmaros. For more information, e-mail
Korcsmaros at