Community Music Program Taking Registrations
Private lesson registrations for piano, voice, guitar, strings, percussion, woodwinds
and brass are being accepted for the fall 2005 semester for Fairmont State's Community
Music Program.
Registrations are being accepted from July 25 to Sept. 15. Fees vary depending upon
the number and type of lessons students are taking.
Lessons are available for beginner to advanced students with teachers who have a
master's degree or equivalent in their teaching field and teaching experience. Class
lessons are available for Beginner Piano, for ages 6-8 only, for those who may want
to explore the instrument and discover their potential in a classroom piano laboratory
setting. Private piano lessons are also available for those ages 6-8. All lessons
are held in Wallman Hall on Mondays through Thursdays. There are no waiting lists
for lessons.
Students studying in the program may elect to perform in recital. Music achievement
awards are given to students; and outstanding musicians are recognized for their achievements.
All styles of music are available to the learner depending upon preferences from classical
to blues, pop, rock, jazz, sacred, etc.
For more information, call Anne Schooley, Director, at (304) 366-3758.